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Global Biogeochemical Cycle of Lithium
Global Biogeochemical Cycles ( IF 5.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-16 , DOI: 10.1029/2021gb006999
William H. Schlesinger 1, 2 , Emily M. Klein 1 , Zhen Wang 1 , Avner Vengosh 1

The total human mobilization of Li from the Earth's crust, >1,000 × 109 g/year, is much larger than Li mobilized by the natural processes of chemical and mechanical weathering (94 and 132 × 109 g/year, respectively), representing a ∼500% perturbation of the global cycle of Li by human activities. The anthropogenic perturbation of the global Li cycle shows enhanced releases to freshwaters from oil-produced water (46 × 109 g/year), leaching of coal ash (7–20 × 109 g/year), and extraction of groundwaters (29 × 109 g/year). The sum of these anthropogenic sources more than doubles the natural transport of dissolved Li to the sea in rivers (69 × 109 g/year). Currently, releases from the excretion of therapeutic drugs and disposal of lithium-ion batteries are a small component of the transport of Li in rivers, although the latter may increase markedly as lithium-ion batteries dominant global energy storage. Human emissions of Li particles to the atmosphere—55 × 109 g/year from coal combustion—comprise about 38% of the emission of Li to the atmosphere from various sources. The inputs to the atmosphere are more than the estimated deposition of Li from the atmosphere, which is poorly constrained by available data.



人类从地壳中总动员锂,>1,000 × 10 9  g/年,远大于化学和机械风化自然过程动员的锂(分别为 94 和 132 × 10 9  g/年),代表人类活动对全球锂循环的约 500% 扰动。全球锂循环的人为扰动表明,石油产出水(46 × 10 9  g/年)、煤灰浸出(7-20 × 10 9  g/年)和地下水提取(29 × 10 9 克/年)。这些人为来源的总和使溶解的锂在河流中向海洋的自然运输增加了一倍多 (69 × 10 9 克/年)。目前,来自治疗药物排泄和锂离子电池处置的释放是河流中锂运输的一小部分,尽管随着锂离子电池在全球储能领域占据主导地位,后者可能会显着增加。人类向大气中排放的锂颗粒 (煤炭燃烧产生的 55 × 10 9克/年)约占各种来源向大气中排放的锂的 38%。大气中的输入量超过了估计的锂从大气中的沉积,这受到可用数据的限制。