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Diversion or Inclusion? Alternative Routes to Higher Education Eligibility and Inequality in Educational Attainment in Germany
European Sociological Review ( IF 4.099 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-01 , DOI: 10.1093/esr/jcab025
Steffen Schindler 1 , Felix Bittmann 2

In the 1960s, educational reforms have been initiated in Germany to make the rigid stratified school system more permeable. While maintaining between-school tracking in secondary education, several second-chance options have been introduced that established alternative routes to higher education. This study aims to evaluate whether these alternative routes were successful in reducing the levels of social inequality in both higher education eligibility and higher education attainment. We draw on life-course data from the German National Educational Panel Study and conduct simulation analyses. We conclude that it is very unlikely that the reforms had any substantive influence on the level of inequality in both outcome variables.



1960 年代,德国开始了教育改革,以使僵化的分层学校制度更具渗透性。在保持中学教育的校际跟踪的同时,已经引入了几个第二次机会选项,建立了高等教育的替代途径。本研究旨在评估这些替代途径是否成功地减少了高等教育资格和高等教育获得的社会不平等程度。我们利用来自德国国家教育小组研究的生命历程数据并进行模拟分析。我们的结论是,改革不太可能对两个结果变量的不平等程度产生任何实质性影响。