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Toward a Comprehensive Model of Fake News: A New Approach to Examine the Creation and Sharing of False Information
Societies ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-16 , DOI: 10.3390/soc11030082
Andrew P. Weiss , Ahmed Alwan , Eric P. Garcia , Antranik T. Kirakosian

The authors discuss a new conceptual model to examine the phenomenon of fake news. Their model focuses on the relationship between the creator and the consumer of fake news and proposes a mechanism by which to determine how likely users may be to share fake news with others. In particular, it is hypothesized that information users would likely be influenced by seven factors in choosing to share fake news or to verify information, including the user’s: (1) level of online trust; (2) level of self-disclosure online; (3) amount of social comparison; (4) level of FoMO anxiety; (5) level of social media fatigue; (6) concept of self and role identity; and (7) level of education attainment. The implications reach into many well-established avenues of inquiry in education, Library and Information Science (LIS), sociology, and other disciplines, including communities of practice, information acquiring and sharing, social positioning, social capital theory, self-determination, rational choice (e.g., satisficing and information overload), critical thinking, and information literacy. Understanding the multiple root causes of creating and sharing fake news will help to alleviate its spread. Relying too heavily on but one factor to combat fake news—education level, for example—may have limited impact on mitigating its effects. Establishing thresholds for a certain combination of factors may better predict the tendency of users to share fake news. The authors also speculate on the role information literacy education programs can play in light of a more complex understanding of how fake news operates.



作者讨论了一种新的概念模型来检查假新闻现象。他们的模型关注假新闻的创建者和消费者之间的关系,并提出了一种机制来确定用户与他人分享假新闻的可能性。特别是,假设信息用户在选择分享假新闻或验证信息时可能会受到七个因素的影响,包括用户的:(1)在线信任水平;(2) 网上自我披露程度;(三)社会比较量;(4) FoMO焦虑程度;(5) 社交媒体疲劳程度;(6)自我概念和角色认同;(7) 受教育程度。其影响涉及教育、图书馆和信息科学 (LIS)、社会学和其他学科中许多成熟的探究途径,包括实践社区、信息获取和共享、社会定位、社会资本理论、自我决定、理性选择(例如,满足和信息过载)、批判性思维和信息素养。了解制造和分享假新闻的多个根本原因将有助于减轻其传播。过于依赖一个因素来打击假新闻——例如教育水平——可能对减轻其影响的影响有限。为某种因素组合建立阈值可以更好地预测用户分享假新闻的趋势。作者还根据对假新闻如何运作的更复杂理解,推测信息素养教育计划可以发挥的作用。社会资本理论、自我决定、理性选择(例如,满足和信息过载)、批判性思维和信息素养。了解制造和分享假新闻的多个根本原因将有助于减轻其传播。过于依赖一个因素来打击假新闻——例如教育水平——可能对减轻其影响的影响有限。为某种因素组合建立阈值可以更好地预测用户分享假新闻的趋势。作者还根据对假新闻如何运作的更复杂理解,推测信息素养教育计划可以发挥的作用。社会资本理论、自我决定、理性选择(例如,满足和信息过载)、批判性思维和信息素养。了解制造和分享假新闻的多个根本原因将有助于减轻其传播。过于依赖一个因素来打击假新闻——例如教育水平——可能对减轻其影响的影响有限。为某种因素组合建立阈值可以更好地预测用户分享假新闻的趋势。作者还根据对假新闻如何运作的更复杂理解,推测信息素养教育计划可以发挥的作用。了解制造和分享假新闻的多个根本原因将有助于减轻其传播。过于依赖一个因素来打击假新闻——例如教育水平——可能对减轻其影响的影响有限。为某种因素组合建立阈值可以更好地预测用户分享假新闻的趋势。作者还根据对假新闻如何运作的更复杂理解,推测信息素养教育计划可以发挥的作用。了解制造和分享假新闻的多个根本原因将有助于减轻其传播。过于依赖一个因素来打击假新闻——例如教育水平——可能对减轻其影响的影响有限。为某种因素组合建立阈值可以更好地预测用户分享假新闻的趋势。作者还根据对假新闻如何运作的更复杂理解,推测信息素养教育计划可以发挥的作用。