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2021 EDS Education Award Call for Nominations
Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-24 , DOI: 10.1109/jmems.2021.3095644

The IEEE Electron Devices Society invites the submission of nominations for the EDS Education Award. This award is presented annually by EDS to honor an individual who has made distinguished contributions to education within the fie ld of interest of the Electron Devices Society. The recipient is awarded a plaque and a check for US$2,500, presented at the IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM). The nominee must be an EDS member engaged in education in the field of electron devices, holding a present or past affiliation with an academic, industrial, or government organizat ion. Factors for consideration include achievements and recognition in educating and mentoring students in academia or professionals in the industrial or governmental sectors. Specific accomplishments include effectiveness in the development of innovative education, continuing education programs, authorship of textbooks, presentation of short-courses at EDS sponsored conferences, participation in the EDS Distinguished Lecturer program, and teaching or mentoring awards. Since t his award is solely given for contributions to education, the nomination should exclude emphasis on technical contributions to engineering and physics of electron devices. The deadline for the submission of nominations for the 2020 award is 1 September 2021.


2021 年 EDS 教育奖提名征集

IEEE 电子器件协会邀请提交 EDS 教育奖提名。该奖项每年由 EDS 颁发,以表彰在电子设备协会感兴趣的领域内为教育做出杰出贡献的个人。获奖者将在 IEEE 国际电子器件会议 (IEDM) 上获得一块牌匾和一张价值 2,500 美元的支票。被提名者必须是从事电子设备领域教育的 EDS 成员,目前或过去隶属于学术、工业或政府组织。考虑的因素包括在教育和指导学术界学生或工业或政府部门专业人员方面取得的成就和认可。具体成就包括在创新教育发展、继续教育计划、教科书作者、在 EDS 赞助的会议上展示短期课程、参与 EDS 杰出讲师计划以及教学或指导奖项方面的成效。由于该奖项仅颁发给对教育的贡献,因此提名不应强调对电子设备工程和物理学的技术贡献。提交 2020 年奖项提名的截止日期为 2021 年 9 月 1 日。