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Eating Disorders and Sexual Satisfaction: The Mediating Role of Body Image Self-consciousness during Physical Intimacy and Dissociation
Journal of Sex Research ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-16 , DOI: 10.1080/00224499.2021.1948491
Zohar Spivak-Lavi 1 , Ateret Gewirtz-Meydan 2


Women with eating disorders experience difficulties related to sexual activity, yet little is known about the indirect association between eating disorders and sexual satisfaction. This study examined the indirect association between eating disorders and sexual satisfaction using body image self-consciousness during physical intimacy and dissociation as mediators. Online questionnaires were answered by 985 Israeli women. Of them, 98 were identified as likely to have eating disorders (study group). A matching control group (n = 98) was selected from the remaining respondents. Participants in the study group had significantly higher body image self-consciousness and dissociation than the matched controls, as well as significantly lower sexual satisfaction. The research model revealed that body image self-consciousness during physical intimacy mediates the link between eating disorders and sexual satisfaction, while dissociation does not. Women with eating disorders have higher levels of self-consciousness about their body during sexual activity, which may distract them from their own sexual needs and desires and those of their partners, and this, in turn, is associated with sexual dissatisfaction. Findings highlight the need for improved evidenced-based assessment and management of the sexual satisfaction of women with eating disorders.

Abbreviations: ED: eating disorders; AN: anorexia nervosa; BN: bulimia nervosa; BED: binge eating disorder.




患有饮食失调的女性会遇到与性活动相关的困难,但对于饮食失调与性满足之间的间接关联知之甚少。这项研究使用身体亲密和分离期间的身体形象自我意识作为中介,检查了饮食失调和性满足之间的间接关联。985 名以色列妇女回答了在线问卷。其中,98 人被确定为可能患有进食障碍(研究组)。一个匹配的对照组(n= 98)是从其余的受访者中选择的。与对照组相比,研究组参与者的身体形象自我意识和分离度显着提高,性满意度显着降低。研究模型表明,身体亲密过程中的身体形象自我意识调节了饮食失调和性满足之间的联系,而分离则没有。患有饮食失调症的女性在性活动中对自己的身体有更高的自我意识,这可能会分散她们对自己和伴侣的性需求和欲望的注意力,而这反过来又与性不满有关。研究结果强调需要改进基于证据的评估和管理饮食失调女性的性满意度。

缩写: ED:进食障碍;AN:神经性厌食症;BN:神经性贪食症;床:暴食症。
