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The same cloze for all occasions?
International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-17 , DOI: 10.1515/iral-2019-0026
James Dean Brown 1 , Theres Grüter 1

Target language proficiency assessment has become an integral part of Second Language Acquisition (SLA) research design, with cloze tests frequently serving this purpose for reasons of practicality. Assumptions underlying the interpretation of such cloze test scores, however, are often not examined. With the goal of providing researchers with better means for drawing inferences from cloze test scores, we present an analysis of a combined dataset comprised of scores from 1,724 test takers on a frequently used English cloze test (Brown 1980). We examine variation in score distributions and reliability estimates among L2 groups, between L2 and native-speaker (NS) examinees, and for different scoring methods, and investigate the degree to which different sets of items were effective for classifying lowvs high-proficiency L2 examinees and L2 vs NS test takers. Standardized scores are provided for each scoring method so that future researchers can reference their scores to this larger set. Acknowledgments This project would not have been possible without the colleagues who generously shared their data from the Brown Cloze test with us. Mahalo to Michelle Adams, Anna Chrabaszcz, Takafumi Fukushima, Amanda Huensch, Kitaek Kim, Hye-Young Kwak, Sunyoung Lee, Akira Omaki, Shoko Sasayama, John Thurman, Annie Tremblay, and Fred Zenker.



目标语言能力评估已成为第二语言习得 (SLA) 研究设计的一个组成部分,出于实用性的原因,完形填空测试经常用于此目的。然而,解释这种完形填空考试分数的基本假设往往没有得到检验。为了为研究人员提供更好的方法来从完形填空测试分数中得出推论,我们对一个组合数据集进行了分析,该数据集由 1,724 名考生在常用英语完形填空测试 (Brown 1980) 中的分数组成。我们检查了 L2 组之间、L2 和母语 (NS) 考生之间以及不同评分方法的分数分布和可靠性估计的变化,并调查不同项目集对低水平和高水平的 L2 考生以及 L2 与 NS 考生进行分类的有效程度。每种评分方法都提供了标准化的分数,以便未来的研究人员可以将他们的分数引用到这个更大的集合中。致谢 如果没有同事们慷慨地与我们分享布朗完形填空测试的数据,这个项目是不可能完成的。Mahalo 致 Michelle Adams、Anna Chrabaszcz、Takafumi Fukushima、Amanda Huensch、Kitaek Kim、Hye-Young Kwak、Sunyoung Lee、Akira Omaki、Shoko Sasayama、John Thurman、Annie Tremblay 和 Fred Zenker。致谢 如果没有同事们慷慨地与我们分享布朗完形填空测试的数据,这个项目是不可能完成的。Mahalo 致 Michelle Adams、Anna Chrabaszcz、Takafumi Fukushima、Amanda Huensch、Kitaek Kim、Hye-Young Kwak、Sunyoung Lee、Akira Omaki、Shoko Sasayama、John Thurman、Annie Tremblay 和 Fred Zenker。致谢 如果没有同事们慷慨地与我们分享布朗完形填空测试的数据,这个项目是不可能完成的。Mahalo 致 Michelle Adams、Anna Chrabaszcz、Takafumi Fukushima、Amanda Huensch、Kitaek Kim、Hye-Young Kwak、Sunyoung Lee、Akira Omaki、Shoko Sasayama、John Thurman、Annie Tremblay 和 Fred Zenker。