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Measuring output-based technical efficiency of Indian coal-based thermal power plants
Indian Growth and Development Review ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-06-22 , DOI: 10.1108/igdr-05-2018-0058
Sushama Murty , Resham Nagpal

The purpose of this paper is to measure technical efficiency of Indian thermal power sector employing the recent by-production approach.,The by-production approach is used in conjunction with data from the Central Electricity Authority (CEA) of India to compute the output-based Fare, Grosskopf, Lovell (FGL) efficiency index and its decomposition into productive and environmental efficiency indexes for the ITPPs,The authors show that given the aggregated nature of data on coal reported by CEA, CEA’s computation of CO2 emissions through a deterministic linear formula that does not distinguish between different coal types and the tiny share of oil in coal-based power plants, the computed output-based environmental efficiency indexes are no longer informative. Meaningful measurement of environmental efficiency using CEA data is possible only along the dimension of the coal input. Productive efficiency is positively associated with the engineering concept of thermodynamic/energy efficiency and is also high for power plants with high operating availabilities reflecting better management and O&M practices. Both these factors are high for private and centrally owned as opposed to state-owned power-generating companies. The example of Sipat demonstrates the importance of (ultra)supercritical technologies in increasing productive and thermodynamic efficiencies of the ITPPs, while also reducing CO2 emitted per unit of the net electricity generated.,This paper uses the by-production approach for the first time to measure technical efficiency of ITPPs and highlights how the nature of the Indian data impacts on efficiency measurement.



使用 CEA 数据对环境效率进行有意义的测量只能沿着煤炭输入的维度进行。生产效率与热力学/能源效率的工程概念正相关,并且对于具有高运营可用性的发电厂来说也很高,这反映了更好的管理和 O&M 实践。与国有发电公司相比,这两个因素对于私营和中央所有的发电公司来说都很高。Sipat 的例子证明了(超)超临界技术在提高 ITPP 的生产效率和热力学效率方面的重要性,同时还减少了每单位净发电量的二氧化碳排放量。