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Journal of the History of Ideas ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-15
Morris D. Forkosch Prize

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Notices
  • Morris D. Forkosch Prize

The Journal of the History of Ideas is pleased to announce the winner of the Morris D. Forkosch Prize ($2,000) for the best first book in intellectual history published in 2019: Lydia Barnett, for After the Flood: Imagining the Global Environment in Early Modern Europe, published by Johns Hopkins University Press.

Eligible submissions are limited to the first book published by a single author, and to books published in English. The subject matter of submissions must pertain to one or more of the disciplines associated with intellectual history and the history of ideas broadly conceived: viz., history (including the histories of the various arts and sciences); philosophy (including the philosophy of science, aesthetics, and other fields); political thought; the social sciences (including anthropology, economics, political science, and sociology); and literature (including literary criticism, history, and theory).

No translations or collections of essays will be considered. The judges will favor publications displaying sound scholarship, original conceptualization, and significant chronological and interdisciplinary scope. For further information, please visit our website at http://jhi.pennpress.org.


Selma V. Forkosch Prize

The Journal of the History of Ideas is pleased to announce the winner of the Selma V. Forkosch Prize ($750) for the best article published in the Journal of the History of Ideas each year. The most recent winner is Sharon Achinstein, for “Hugo Grotius and Marriage’s Global Past: Conjugal Thinking in Early Modern Political Thought,” volume 81, number 2, pages 195–215. [End Page 541]


Institute for Advanced Study
School of Historical Studies
Opportunities for Scholars

The Institute is an independent private institution founded in 1930 to create a community of scholars focused on intellectual inquiry, free from teaching and other university obligations. Scholars from around the world come to the Institute to pursue their own research. Candidates of any nationality may apply for a single term or a full academic year. Scholars may apply for a stipend, but those with sabbatical funding, other grants, retirement funding or other means are also invited to apply for a non-stipendiary membership. Some short-term visitorships (for less than a full term, and without stipend) are also available on an ad-hoc basis. Open to all fields of historical research, the School of Historical Studies’ principal interests are the history of western, near eastern, and Asian civilizations, with particular emphasis upon Greek and Roman civilization, the history of Europe (medieval, early modern, and modern), the Islamic world, East Asian studies, art history, the history of science and philosophy, modern international relations, and music studies. Residence in Princeton during term time is required. The only other obligation of Members is to pursue their own research. The Ph.D. (or equivalent) and substantial publications are required. Further information can be found in the announcement on the web at www.hs.ias.edu/mem_announcement, or on the School’s website, www.hs.ias.edu. Inquiries sent by post should be addressed to the School of Historical Studies, Institute for Advanced Study, Einstein Dr., Princeton, NJ 08540. Email: mzelazny@ias.edu. Annual deadline: November 1.


Institute of Intellectual History
University of St Andrews, Scotland

The University of St Andrews, Scotland’s oldest, has recently inaugurated an Institute of Intellectual History (http://www.intellectualhistory.net/). Under the direction of Professor Richard Whatmore, it encompasses one of the largest concentrations of scholars in the field anywhere (http://www.intellectualhistory.net/members/). They represent all relevant disciplines: [End Page 542] history, philosophy, history of science, political science, international relations, legal studies, economics, anthropology, theology, art history, classics, literary studies, book history. The Institute offers undergraduate courses, a one-year MLitt, as well as doctoral training. It provides a wide range of academic events (http://www.intellectualhistory.net/events/). The journal History of European Ideas is edited within the Institute. Through a rapidly growing archive of papers of intellectual historians, it is a major resource for the history of the discipline itself. [End Page 543]

Copyright © 2021 Journal of the History of Ideas ...




  • 通知
  • Morris D. Forkosch 奖

思想史杂志》很高兴地宣布,2019 年出版的思想史上最佳第一本书获得了莫里斯 D.福科施奖(2,000 美元):Lydia Barnett,《洪水之后:想象早期现代的全球环境》欧洲,约翰霍普金斯大学出版社出版。


不考虑翻译或论文集。评委们将青睐表现出良好学术、原创概念以及重要的时间顺序和跨学科范围的出版物。如需更多信息,请访问我们的网站 http://jhi.pennpress.org。


Selma V. Forkosch 奖

思想史杂志》很高兴地宣布,每年发表在《思想史杂志》上的最佳文章的 Selma V. Forkosch 奖得主(750 美元)。最近的获奖者是 Sharon Achinstein,其作品为“Hugo Grotius 和婚姻的全球过去:早期现代政治思想中的夫妻思想”,第 81 卷,第 2 期,第 195-215 页。[第541页结束]



该研究所是一个独立的私立机构,成立于 1930 年,旨在创建一个专注于知识探究的学者社区,免于教学和其他大学义务。来自世界各地的学者来到研究所进行自己的研究。任何国籍的候选人都可以申请一个学期或一个完整学年。学者可申请助学金,但也邀请有休假资助、其他资助、退休资助或其他方式的学者申请非助学金会员。一些短期访客(少于一个完整学期,并且没有津贴)也可以临时提供。历史研究学院向所有历史研究领域开放,主要兴趣是西方、近东和亚洲文明的历史,特别强调希腊和罗马文明、欧洲历史(中世纪、早期现代和现代)、伊斯兰世界、东亚研究、艺术史、科学和哲学史、现代国际关系和音乐研究。需要在学期期间居住在普林斯顿。成员唯一的其他义务是进行自己的研究。博士 (或同等)和大量出版物是必需的。更多信息可以在 www.hs.ias.edu/mem_announcement 或学校网站 www.hs.ias.edu 上的公告中找到。通过邮寄方式发送的查询应发送至新泽西州普林斯顿 08540 爱因斯坦博士高级研究所历史研究学院。电子邮件:mzelazny@ias.edu。年度截止日期:11月1日。和现代)、伊斯兰世界、东亚研究、艺术史、科学和哲学史、现代国际关系和音乐研究。需要在学期期间居住在普林斯顿。成员唯一的其他义务是进行自己的研究。博士 (或同等)和大量出版物是必需的。更多信息可以在 www.hs.ias.edu/mem_announcement 或学校网站 www.hs.ias.edu 上的公告中找到。通过邮寄方式发送的查询应发送至新泽西州普林斯顿 08540 爱因斯坦博士高级研究所历史研究学院。电子邮件:mzelazny@ias.edu。年度截止日期:11月1日。和现代)、伊斯兰世界、东亚研究、艺术史、科学和哲学史、现代国际关系和音乐研究。需要在学期期间居住在普林斯顿。成员唯一的其他义务是进行自己的研究。博士 (或同等学历)和大量出版物是必需的。更多信息可以在 www.hs.ias.edu/mem_announcement 或学校网站 www.hs.ias.edu 上的公告中找到。通过邮寄方式发送的查询应发送至新泽西州普林斯顿 08540 爱因斯坦博士高级研究所历史研究学院。电子邮件:mzelazny@ias.edu。年度截止日期:11月1日。需要在学期期间居住在普林斯顿。成员唯一的其他义务是进行自己的研究。博士 (或同等学历)和大量出版物是必需的。更多信息可以在 www.hs.ias.edu/mem_announcement 或学校网站 www.hs.ias.edu 上的公告中找到。通过邮寄方式发送的查询应发送至新泽西州普林斯顿 08540 爱因斯坦博士高级研究所历史研究学院。电子邮件:mzelazny@ias.edu。年度截止日期:11月1日。需要在学期期间居住在普林斯顿。成员唯一的其他义务是进行自己的研究。博士 (或同等学历)和大量出版物是必需的。更多信息可以在 www.hs.ias.edu/mem_announcement 或学校网站 www.hs.ias.edu 上的公告中找到。通过邮寄方式发送的查询应发送至新泽西州普林斯顿 08540 爱因斯坦博士高级研究所历史研究学院。电子邮件:mzelazny@ias.edu。年度截止日期:11月1日。通过邮寄方式发送的查询应发送至新泽西州普林斯顿 08540 爱因斯坦博士高级研究所历史研究学院。电子邮件:mzelazny@ias.edu。年度截止日期:11月1日。通过邮寄方式发送的查询应发送至新泽西州普林斯顿 08540 爱因斯坦博士高级研究所历史研究学院。电子邮件:mzelazny@ias.edu。年度截止日期:11月1日。



苏格兰最古老的圣安德鲁斯大学最近成立了一个思想史研究所 (http://www.intellectualhistory.net/)。在 Richard Whatmore 教授的指导下,它是该领域最大的学者聚集地之一 (http://www.intellectualhistory.net/members/)。它们代表所有相关学科:[End Page 542]历史、哲学、科学史、政治学、国际关系、法律研究、经济学、人类学、神学、艺术史、古典文学、文学研究、书籍史。该研究所提供本科课程、为期一年的 MLitt 以及博士培训。它提供了广泛的学术活动 (http://www.intellectualhistory.net/events/)。欧洲思想史杂志在研究所内编辑。通过快速增长的知识史学家论文档案,它是该学科本身历史的主要资源。[第543页结束]

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