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Glass hearts?! Successful visible ethnic minority women migrants at work in Iceland and New Zealand
Journal of Management & Organization ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-15 , DOI: 10.1017/jmo.2021.30
Edwina Pio 1 , Erla S. Kristjánsdóttir 2 , Thora H. Christiansen 3

In the diversity arena, women and their heterogeneity as visible ethnic minority migrants at work are under researched. Our qualitative empirical research reveals, and compares, how visible ethnic women migrants (VEWM) experience their journey to professional success in Iceland and New Zealand. These island nations rank in the top six of the Global Gender Gap Index, have women Prime Ministers, and increasing demographic diversity. The findings reveal that for VEWM success is a continuous journey with many different challenges. VEWM reject the notion of success as accumulation of things or titles, emphasizing instead how success is experienced. For VEWM in Iceland, success means independent hard work and aligning with other women. VEWM in New Zealand experience success through religion and giving back to the community. These differences are explored and theorized, contributing to an expanding literature of migrant complexities, beyond monolithic representations of gender at work.



在多样性领域,女性及其作为工作中明显的少数民族移民的异质性正在接受研究。我们的定性实证研究揭示并比较了冰岛和新西兰的少数民族女性移民 (VEWM) 如何经历她们的职业成功之旅。这些岛国在全球性别差距指数中名列前六,拥有女总理,人口多样性不断增加。研究结果表明,对于 VEWM 来说,成功是一个充满许多不同挑战的持续旅程。VEWM 拒绝将成功视为事物或头衔的积累,而是强调成功是如何体验的。对于冰岛的 VEWM 来说,成功意味着独立努力工作以及与其他女性合作。新西兰的 VEWM 通过宗教和回馈社区取得了成功。这些差异得到了探讨和理论化,促进了关于移民复杂性的文献不断扩大,超越了工作中性别的单一表述。
