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To what extent emotion, cognition and behaviour enhance a student’s engagement: A case study on the MAJA teaching approach
Policy Futures in Education ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-14 , DOI: 10.1177/14782103211032076
Matt M. Husain 1

This empirical article problematises student engagement in today’s higher education system. The objective of this research is to stimulate a student’s behavioural, emotional and cognitive engagement. I employed an inclusive, inductive and reflexive approach and used mixed methods for collecting data from 948 volunteer participants. The preliminary findings illustrate that playing soft or lively music for a few minutes before a class as well as contextualising and delivering course content combined with enrolled students’ background, hobbies and preferences can go a long way in stimulating emotional and cognitive engagements. The findings also reveal that offering chair yoga during mid-term and/or final exam periods as well as encouraging students to hydrate can lead to increasing behavioural adjustments and then in attention and engagement. The results are encapsulated in a novel teaching framework, MAJA (meaning fun in Sanskrit) that stands for: (a) music, (b) anonymous class survey, (c) jest, and (d) aliment. The framework illuminates that when students tangibly sense a connection between a safe and comfortable class environment and course content, their participation increases and absenteeism decreases. They also promote student aspirations and accountability that facilitate critical thinking, an imperative learning outcome in higher education.


情绪、认知和行为在多大程度上增强了学生的参与度:MAJA 教学方法的案例研究

这篇实证文章对学生在当今高等教育系统中的参与提出了问题。这项研究的目的是激发学生的行为、情感和认知参与。我采用了包容、归纳和反思的方法,并使用混合方法从 948 名志愿者参与者那里收集数据。初步调查结果表明,在上课前播放几分钟轻快或活泼的音乐,以及结合注册学生的背景、爱好和偏好将课程内容置于情境中并提供课程内容,可以在很大程度上激发情感和认知参与。研究结果还表明,在期中和/或期末考试期间提供椅子瑜伽以及鼓励学生补充水分可以增加行为调整,然后提高注意力和参与度。MAJA(梵语中的意思是乐趣)代表:(a) 音乐,(b) 匿名班级调查,(c) 玩笑,和 (d) 食物。该框架表明,当学生切实感受到安全舒适的课堂环境与课程内容之间的联系时,他们的参与度会增加,缺勤率会降低。它们还促进学生的抱负和责任感,促进批判性思维,这是高等教育中必不可少的学习成果。
