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Visual pursuit biases tactile velocity perception
Journal of Neurophysiology ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-14 , DOI: 10.1152/jn.00541.2020
Cécile R Scotto 1 , Alessandro Moscatelli 2, 3 , Thies Pfeiffer 4 , Marc O Ernst 5

During a smooth pursuit eye movement of a target stimulus, a briefly flashed stationary background appears to move in the opposite direction as the eye's motion ― an effect known as the Filehne illusion. Similar illusions occur in audition, in the vestibular system, and in touch. Recently, we found that the movement of a surface perceived from tactile slip was biased if this surface was sensed with the hand. This suggests a common process of motion perception between the eye and the hand. In the present study, we further assessed the interplay between these effectors by investigating a novel paradigm that associated an eye pursuit with a tactile motion over the skin of the fingertip. We showed that smooth pursuit eye movements can bias the perceived direction of motion in touch. Similarly to the classical report from the Filehne illusion in vision, a static tactile surface was perceived as moving rightward with a leftward pursuit eye movement, and vice versa. However, this time the direction of surface motion was perceived from touch. The biasing effects of eye pursuit on tactile motion were modulated by the reliability of the tactile and visual estimates, as predicted by a Bayesian model of motion perception. Overall, these results support a modality- and effector-independent process with common representations for motion perception.



在目标刺激的平滑追踪眼球运动期间,短暂闪烁的静止背景似乎向与眼球运动相反的方向移动——这种效应被称为 Filehne 错觉。类似的错觉出现在试听、前庭系统和触摸中。最近,我们发现,如果用手感知该表面,则从触觉滑动感知到的表面的运动是有偏差的。这表明眼睛和手之间有一个共同的运动感知过程。在本研究中,我们通过研究一种将眼球追踪与指尖皮肤上的触觉运动相关联的新范式,进一步评估了这些效应器之间的相互作用。我们表明,平滑的追踪眼球运动可以使感知到的触摸运动方向发生偏差。与 Filehne 视觉错觉的经典报告类似,静态触觉表面被认为是向右移动,同时向左追随眼球运动,反之亦然。然而,这一次表面运动的方向是通过触摸感知的。正如贝叶斯运动感知模型所预测的那样,眼球追踪对触觉运动的偏置效应受到触觉和视觉估计的可靠性的调节。总体而言,这些结果支持具有运动感知共同表示的独立于模态和效应器的过程。正如贝叶斯运动感知模型所预测的那样,眼球追踪对触觉运动的偏置效应受到触觉和视觉估计的可靠性的调节。总体而言,这些结果支持具有运动感知共同表示的独立于模态和效应器的过程。正如贝叶斯运动感知模型所预测的那样,眼球追踪对触觉运动的偏置效应受到触觉和视觉估计的可靠性的调节。总体而言,这些结果支持具有运动感知共同表示的独立于模态和效应器的过程。