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Prioritization of social information by the basolateral amygdala in rats
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-14 , DOI: 10.1016/j.nlm.2021.107489
Zhimin Song 1 , Sujith Swarna 2 , Joseph R Manns 1

The amygdala is a collection of nuclei that support adaptive social behavior and are implicated in disorders such as autism. The basolateral complex of the amygdala (BLA), a main subdivision of the amygdala, influences fear responses, motivated behavior, and memory of emotional events via its communication with other amygdalar nuclei and with other brain regions such as the prefrontal cortex, striatum, and hippocampus. The specific role of the BLA in responses to social stimuli is less clear. The present study of female rats investigated the role of the BLA in responding to socially-relevant information by asking how inactivation of the BLA with bilateral infusions of the GABA receptor agonist muscimol would affect spontaneous exploration of wood blocks scented either with conspecific male or female urine or with nonsocial odorants. Conspecific urine samples were used because urine conveys information about sex, health, social status, and reproductive state in rodents. The results revealed that BLA inactivation reduced female rats’ spontaneous preference for social odors over nonsocial odors, specifically for female urine. However, BLA inactivation did not generally impair rats’ ability to distinguish two odors from the same category (e.g., urine odors from two different male rats). The results indicate that the BLA is important for responding to salience of social stimuli but not for discriminating between different individuals, a result that has important implications for amygdalar modulation of downstream attention, motivation, and memory processes for social stimuli.



杏仁核是支持适应性社会行为并与自闭症等疾病有关的细胞核的集合。杏仁核基底外侧复合体 (BLA) 是杏仁核的主要分支,通过与其他杏仁核和其他大脑区域(如前额叶皮层、纹状体和海马体。BLA 在应对社会刺激方面的具体作用尚不清楚。目前对雌性大鼠的研究调查了 BLA 在响应社会相关信息中的作用,通过询问双侧输注 GABA 受体激动剂蝇蕈醇使 BLA 失活将如何影响用同种雄性或雌性尿液散发香味的木块的自发探索或使用非社会性气味剂。使用同种尿液样本是因为尿液传达了有关啮齿动物的性别、健康、社会地位和生殖状态的信息。结果表明,BLA 失活降低了雌性大鼠对社交气味的自发偏好,而不是非社交气味,特别是对雌性尿液的偏好。然而,BLA 失活通常不会损害大鼠区分同一类别的两种气味的能力(例如,来自两只不同雄性大鼠的尿味)。结果表明,BLA 对于响应社会刺激的显着性很重要,但对于区分不同的个体并不重要,这一结果对杏仁核调节下游注意力、动机和社会刺激的记忆过程具有重要意义。和啮齿动物的生殖状态。结果表明,BLA 失活降低了雌性大鼠对社交气味的自发偏好,而不是非社交气味,特别是对雌性尿液的偏好。然而,BLA 失活通常不会损害大鼠区分同一类别的两种气味的能力(例如,来自两只不同雄性大鼠的尿味)。结果表明,BLA 对于响应社会刺激的显着性很重要,但对于区分不同的个体并不重要,这一结果对杏仁核调节下游注意力、动机和社会刺激的记忆过程具有重要意义。和啮齿动物的生殖状态。结果表明,BLA 失活降低了雌性大鼠对社交气味的自发偏好,而不是非社交气味,特别是对雌性尿液的偏好。然而,BLA 失活通常不会损害大鼠区分同一类别的两种气味的能力(例如,来自两只不同雄性大鼠的尿味)。结果表明,BLA 对于响应社会刺激的显着性很重要,但对于区分不同的个体并不重要,这一结果对杏仁核调节下游注意力、动机和社会刺激的记忆过程具有重要意义。BLA 失活通常不会损害大鼠区分同一类别的两种气味的能力(例如,来自两只不同雄性大鼠的尿味)。结果表明,BLA 对于响应社会刺激的显着性很重要,但对于区分不同的个体并不重要,这一结果对杏仁核调节下游注意力、动机和社会刺激的记忆过程具有重要意义。BLA 失活通常不会损害大鼠区分同一类别的两种气味的能力(例如,来自两只不同雄性大鼠的尿味)。结果表明,BLA 对于响应社会刺激的显着性很重要,但对于区分不同的个体并不重要,这一结果对杏仁核调节下游注意力、动机和社会刺激的记忆过程具有重要意义。
