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Measuring nest incorporation of anthropogenic debris by seabirds: An opportunistic approach increases geographic scope and reduces costs
Marine Pollution Bulletin ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-14 , DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2021.112706
Nina J O'Hanlon 1 , Alexander L Bond 2 , Elizabeth A Masden 3 , Jennifer L Lavers 4 , Neil A James 3

Data on the prevalence of anthropogenic debris in seabird nests can be collected alongside other research or through community science initiatives to increase the temporal and spatial scale of data collection. To assess the usefulness of this approach, we collated data on nest incorporation of debris for 14 seabird species from 84 colonies across five countries in northwest Europe. Of 10,274 nests monitored 12% contained debris, however, there was large variation in the proportion of nests containing debris among species and colonies. For several species, the prevalence of debris in nests was significantly related to the mean Human Footprint Index (HFI), a proxy for human impact on the environment, within 100 km of the colony. Collecting opportunistic data on nest incorporation of debris by seabirds provides a cost-effective method of detecting changes in the prevalence of debris in the marine environment across a large geographic scale.



可以与其他研究一起或通过社区科学举措收集有关海鸟巢中人为碎片流行率的数据,以增加数据收集的时间和空间尺度。为了评估这种方法的有效性,我们整理了来自欧洲西北部五个国家的 84 个殖民地的 14 种海鸟物种的巢穴合并碎片数据。在监测的 10,274 个巢穴中,12% 含有碎片,然而,不同物种和群体中含有碎片的巢穴比例差异很大。对于几个物种,巢中碎片的流行与平均人类足迹指数 (HFI) 显着相关,人类足迹指数 (HFI) 是人类对环境影响的代理,距离殖民地 100 公里。
