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Global Radioxenon Emission Inventory from Nuclear Research Reactors
Pure and Applied Geophysics ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-14 , DOI: 10.1007/s00024-021-02719-w
Martin B. Kalinowski 1 , Halit Tatlisu 1 , Pouneh Tayyebi 2 , Michael Lechermann 3

To monitor compliance with the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT), the International Monitoring System (IMS) is being established which will include 40 sensor systems for atmospheric xenon radioactivity. Radioactive isotopes of the noble gas xenon provide the most likely observable radioactive signatures of underground nuclear explosions. These isotopes are frequently detected by IMS noble gas systems as a result of normal operational releases from different types of nuclear facilities including nuclear power plants (NPPs), medical isotope production facilities (MIPFs), and nuclear research reactors (NRRs). Improved knowledge of the contribution of different emission sources on IMS observations strengthens the screening of radioxenon measurements to exclude observations not relevant to emissions from a nuclear explosion. The contribution of NPPs and MIPFs to the global radioxenon emission inventory is fairly well understood. NRRs have yet to be systematically assessed. This paper is the first attempt to assess the total emission inventory of NRRs expressed as annual total discharges. The results can enhance understanding of those sources most likely to impact IMS background observations and to guide future studies on contributions to IMS station background.



为了监测《全面禁止核试验条约》(CTBT)的遵守情况,正在建立国际监测系统(IMS),其中将包括 40 个大气氙放射性传感器系统。惰性气体氙的放射性同位素提供了地下核爆炸最有可能观察到的放射性特征。由于包括核电厂 (NPP)、医用同位素生产设施 (MIPF) 和核研究反应堆 (NRR) 在内的不同类型核设施的正常运行释放,IMS 惰性气体系统经常检测到这些同位素。更好地了解不同排放源对 IMS 观测的贡献,加强了对放射性氙测量的筛选,以排除与核爆炸排放无关的观测。NPPs 和 MIPFs 对全球放射性氙排放清单的贡献是众所周知的。NRR 尚未得到系统评估。本文首次尝试评估以年度总排放量表示的 NRR 的总排放清单。结果可以增强对最有可能影响 IMS 背景观测的那些来源的理解,并指导未来对 IMS 台站背景贡献的研究。
