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Genesis of thermal waters from the Taşkesti-Sarıot geothermal prospect in Mudurnu (Bolu, NW Turkey)
Geothermics ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-14 , DOI: 10.1016/j.geothermics.2021.102199
Suzan Pasvanoğlu 1

The Taşkesti–Sarıot study area is located in northwest Turkey, about 23 km NW of Mudurnu town in the Bolu province. The thermal waters of the Taşkesti–Sarıot were investigated by means of field measurements, chemical analyses and isotope investigations. An area of 20 km2 was geologically mapped around the spa and characteristics of thermal and cold-waters were determined. The Taşkesti-Sarıot thermal waters, (T °C = 63, and flowrate of 1.70 L/sec) emanates along a secondary fault in the North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ). Geothermal water reservoirs are present within fractured limestone, micaschists, diorite, tonalite, serpentinite, gabbropegmatites and graywacke which have the secondary porosity and permeability. Based on the main consitituents, the thermal waters can be classfied as Na(Ca)SO4 types, whereas the cold and stream waters were characterized as a Ca(Mg)HCO3 type waters. Geochemical processes responsible for the genesis of the hydrochemical features of the waters include dissolution, mixing, oxidation and loss of energy by heat conduction. Chemical geothermometers suggest deep temperatures close to 100 °C for the deepest geothermal well (SK-1: 63 °C at the surface) water in the region and thus the Taşkesti-Sarıot geothermal system can be classified as a low temperature resource.

These thermal waters are of meteoric origin that circulate and restores heat through the fault zone due to the geothermal gradient and discharge to the surface. The thermal waters are derived from advective flow as indicated by the δ2H and 18O isotope data, which plot on the meteoric water line showing a significant downward shift if compared with a local reference point thus indicating recharge by infiltration derived from a high standing (colder) terrain. The recharge area for the thermal waters is estimated to be nearly 1000 – 1600 m from the northeast part of the study area. Moreover, there is no evidence for isotope exchange between hot waters and reservoir rock. Tritium data confirm the deep origin of the thermal waters. Finally, a conceptual geochemical model of the geothermal system is proposed.


Mudurnu(土耳其西北部博卢)Taşkesti-Sarıot 地热勘探区的热水成因

Taşkesti-Sarıot 研究区位于土耳其西北部,距博卢省穆杜尔努镇西北约 23 公里。Taşkesti-Sarıot 的热水通过现场测量、化学分析和同位素调查进行了调查。温泉周围20 km 2的区域被地质绘制,并确定了热水和冷水的特征。Taşkesti-Sarıot 温泉水,(T °C = 63,流速为 1.70 L/ sec) 沿着北安纳托利亚断层带 (NAFZ) 的次生断层发散。地热水储层存在于裂隙灰岩、云母片岩、闪长岩、透长岩、蛇纹岩、辉长岩和灰岩中,具有次生孔隙度和渗透率。根据主要成分,温泉水可归类为 Na(Ca)SO 4类型,而冷水和溪流则被归类为 Ca(Mg)HCO 3类型水域。造成水域水化学特征发生的地球化学过程包括溶解、混合、氧化和热传导造成的能量损失。化学地温计表明,该地区最深的地热井(SK-1:地表 63°C)水的深层温度接近 100°C,因此 Taşkesti-Sarıot 地热系统可归类为低温资源。

由于地温梯度和排放到地表,这些热水来自大气层,通过断层带循环和恢复热量。热水来自平流,如 δ 2 H 和18O 同位素数据,绘制在大气水线上,如果与当地参考点相比,显示出显着的向下移动,从而表明来自高海拔(较冷)地形的渗透补给。估计研究区东北部距离温泉水的补给区近 1000-1600 m。此外,没有证据表明热水和储层岩石之间存在同位素交换。氚数据证实了温泉水的深层来源。最后,提出了地热系统的概念地球化学模型。
