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Swift’s moral economy: a proposal for a modest paradigm change
History of European Ideas ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-18 , DOI: 10.1080/01916599.2020.1763754
Andreas Hess 1 , Charles Ivar McGrath 2

ABSTRACT In this article we call for a paradigm change in relation to the way we tend to look at how markets and morals are entwined in the writings of Jonathan Swift (1667–1745). We argue that it would be wrong to apply contemporary notions of economics retrospectively and somewhat a-historically to a thinker of an axial time in which economics as a separate sphere did not exist, and morals and markets and the way they relate to each other were about to be reconceptualised. We argue that it is thus no accident that Scottish Enlightenment thinkers such as David Hume and Adam Smith took to Swift. They admired more than the expressive or rhetorical skills in Swift; in the first instance, they read Swift as somebody who managed to express moral sentiments (and even outrage) in an appealing, that is mostly satirical way, thereby not only criticizing the cruel conditions in Ireland at the time but also identifying the gap between rhetoric and reality and thus taking issue with the hypocrisy and double standards of the time. We will use two famous examples of Swift's work to illustrate our case, A Modest Proposal (1729) and Directions to Servants (1745).



摘要 在本文中,我们呼吁对乔纳森·斯威夫特(Jonathan Swift,1667-1745)著作中市场和道德如何交织在一起的看法进行范式转变。我们认为,将当代经济学概念回顾性地、有点非历史性地应用于一个轴心时代的思想家是错误的,在这个轴心时代,经济学作为一个独立的领域并不存在,道德和市场以及它们相互关联的方式是错误的。即将被重新概念化。我们认为,因此苏格兰启蒙思想家,如大卫·休谟和亚当·斯密,选择斯威夫特并非偶然。他们欣赏的不仅仅是 Swift 的表达能力或修辞技巧;首先,他们将斯威夫特读为一个设法以一种吸引人的方式表达道德情感(甚至愤怒)的人,这主要是讽刺的方式,从而不仅批判了当时爱尔兰的残酷条件,还找出了言辞与现实之间的差距,从而对当时的虚伪和双重标准提出质疑。我们将使用 Swift 工作的两个著名例子来说明我们的案例,A Modest Proposal (1729) 和 Directions to Servants (1745)。