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Crustal Thickness and Poisson’s Ratio in Tianshan Region from Receiver Functions
Pure and Applied Geophysics ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-13 , DOI: 10.1007/s00024-021-02817-9
Yan Cai 1, 2 , JianPing Wu 1, 3 , WeiLai Wang 1

The structure and physical properties of the crust in the Tianshan region are important for studying the tectonic evolution process within the Tianshan crust. We extracted the receiver functions by collecting the teleseismic waveform from 43 permanent and temporary stations in the Tianshan region (40–46° N, 78–92° E), and obtained the crustal thickness and Poisson’s ratio by using the Hκc stacking method to eliminate the effects of the anisotropy and dipping interface in the crust. The results from the Hκc stacking method are more robust than those obtained from traditional Hκ stacking. The crustal thickness in the study area ranges from 38 to 62 km with an average of 51 km. The overall crustal thickness is found to be thicker at the Tianshan Mountains but thinner in the basins to the north and south. It is assumed that these features are related to the subduction of Tarim Basin and Junggar Basin beneath the Tianshan Mountains, where insertion and subduction occurred, resulting in crustal shortening and thickening. The Poisson’s ratio in most areas of the Tianshan Mountains ranges from 0.23 to 0.27, close to the average for continental crust. In the contact zone between the southern margin of Junggar Basin and Tianshan Mountains and from the northern margin of Tarim Basin to the western part of the Tianshan Mountains, the Poisson’s ratio reaches as high as 0.3. Based on the velocity structure, electrical conductivity, density, and heat flow study, the higher Poisson’s ratio near the contact zones is probably related to partial melting of the mass with low melting point from the basins due to the subduction. The Tianshan Mountains and Tarim Basin show a clear unbalanced isostatic gravitational state.



天山地区地壳的结构和物理性质对于研究天山地壳内部的构造演化过程具有重要意义。我们通过采集天山地区(北纬40-46°,东经78-92°)43个永久和临时台站的远震波形提取接收函数,利用H - κ - c得到地壳厚度和泊松比一种消除地壳中各向异性和倾角界面影响的叠加方法。Hκc叠加方法的结果比传统Hκ方法获得的结果更稳健堆叠。研究区地壳厚度38~62km,平均51km。地壳整体厚度在天山山脉较厚,而在北部和南部盆地较薄。推测这些特征与天山下的塔里木盆地和准噶尔盆地发生俯冲、俯冲、地壳缩短和增厚有关。天山大部分地区泊松比在0.23~0.27之间,接近大陆地壳的平均值。在准噶尔盆地南缘与天山接触带,塔里木盆地北缘至天山西段,泊松比高达0.3。基于速度结构、电导率、密度和热流研究表明,接触区附近较高的泊松比可能与俯冲导致的盆地低熔点物质的部分熔化有关。天山和塔里木盆地呈现出明显的不平衡等静重力状态。
