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Low-cost interventions to reduce emissions and fuel consumption in open wood fires in rural communities: Evidence from field surveys
Energy for Sustainable Development ( IF 5.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.esd.2021.06.005
Rob Bailis 1 , Irene Mutisya 2 , Susanne Hounsell 2 , Kevin McLean 3

We evaluate the impact of a grass-roots campaign promoting adoption of simple modifications to cooking fires in rural communities in Western Kenya. The modifications consist of adding rock-beds to open fires or simple woodstoves, increasing airflow, improving combustion efficiency, and decreasing the distance between the fire and cooking pot, which improves heat transfer. The campaign was sponsored by Sun24, a US-based non-profit organization. They trained women leaders active in a local Anglican diocese consisting of 9200 families. The women returned to their communities and held their own trainings at local parishes. We randomly sampled 1362 households from those communities to understand the impact of the campaign. 67% of surveyed families were aware of rockbeds: 51% had attended trainings themselves and 16% heard about rockbeds from relatives or neighbors. 85% of the families that had heard about rockbeds installed them at home and continued to use them for many months after first hearing about them. Nearly all users express a high degree of satisfaction with rockbeds and 67% of trained respondents report cooking two or more meals daily on with rockbeds. We examined variation in weekly and daily frequency of use and find larger households are twice as likely to use rockbeds daily and to cook all their meals with rockbeds than smaller households (p < 0.01). Respondents that were trained by Sun24 or women leaders were nearly three times as likely to use rockbeds daily than respondents who heard about rockbeds by word-of-mouth (p < 0.01). Among households reporting daily use, better educated respondents were nearly twice as likely to use rockbeds for all meals. However, respondents who owned charcoal or LPG stoves were 30% and 60% less likely to use rockbeds for all their meals than other respondents (p < 0.05, p < 0.01). Using a regional estimate of “non-renewable biomass” of 36%, we estimate annual emission reductions of roughly 480 kg of CO2-equivalent for each adopter. Sun24 invested roughly USD 700 in training women leaders and facilitating rockbed adoption in thousands of rural households. Previous research found that median fuelwood savings of nearly 30% when families modified open fire stoves with rockbeds. Applying this average to all adopting families results in annual wood savings of 390 kg per family or 2900 tons per year across the diocese. Using a regional estimate of “non-renewable biomass” and assuming rockbed use persists for 5 years, total emission reductions would be 11.8 tCO2e at a mitigation cost of just USD 0.06 per ton CO2e making rockbeds a cost-effective mitigation strategy.



我们评估了一项草根运动的影响,该运动促进对肯尼亚西部农村社区的烹饪火灾采取简单的改造措施。修改包括在明火或简单的木炉上添加岩床,增加气流,提高燃烧效率,并减少火与烹饪锅之间的距离,从而改善热传递。该活动由位于美国的非营利组织 Sun24 赞助。他们培训了活跃在由 9200 个家庭组成的当地圣公会教区的女性领袖。这些妇女返回她们的社区并在当地教区进行自己的培训。我们从这些社区随机抽取了 1362 户家庭,以了解该运动的影响。67% 的受访家庭了解岩床:51% 的人自己参加过培训,16% 的人从亲戚或邻居那里听说过岩床。85% 听说过岩床的家庭将其安装在家里,并在第一次听说后继续使用了好几个月。几乎所有用户都对石床表示高度满意,67% 的受过培训的受访者表示每天使用石床做两顿或更多餐。我们检查了每周和每天使用频率的变化,发现较大的家庭每天使用石床和用石床做饭的可能性是较小家庭的两倍(几乎所有用户都对石床表示高度满意,67% 的受过培训的受访者表示每天使用石床做两顿或更多餐。我们检查了每周和每天使用频率的变化,发现较大的家庭每天使用石床和用石床做饭的可能性是较小家庭的两倍(几乎所有用户都对石床表示高度满意,67% 的受过培训的受访者表示每天使用石床做两顿或更多餐。我们检查了每周和每天使用频率的变化,发现较大的家庭每天使用石床和用石床做饭的可能性是较小家庭的两倍(p  < 0.01)。接受 Sun24 培训或女性领导者培训的受访者每天使用岩床的可能性几乎是通过口耳相传听说过岩床的受访者的三倍 ( p  < 0.01)。在报告日常使用的家庭中,受过良好教育的受访者在所有膳食中使用岩床的可能性几乎是其两倍。然而,与其他受访者相比,拥有木炭或液化石油气炉灶的受访者在所有膳食中使用岩床的可能性分别降低 30% 和 60%(p  < 0.05,p  < 0.01)。使用 36% 的“不可再生生物量”的区域估计,我们估计每年可减少约 480 公斤 CO 2 的排放量-相当于每个采用者。Sun24 投资了大约 700 美元用于培训女性领导者并促进数千个农村家庭的收养。先前的研究发现,当家庭使用岩床改造明火炉时,薪柴的中位数节省近 30%。将这一平均值应用于所有收养家庭,每个家庭每年可节省 390 公斤木材或整个教区每年节省 2900 吨木材。使用“不可再生生物质”的区域估计并假设岩床使用持续 5 年,总减排量为 11.8 tCO 2 e,每吨 CO 2 e的缓解成本仅为 0.06 美元,使岩床成为一种具有成本效益的缓解策略.
