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A case report of compassion-focused therapy for distressing voice-hearing experiences
Journal of Clinical Psychology ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-12 , DOI: 10.1002/jclp.23211
Charles Heriot-Maitland 1 , Valerie Levey 1

This paper describes a 6-month period of compassion-focused therapy (CFT) for a client who has a 35-year history of hearing voices that are threatening, derogatory, and abusive. In this intervention, the client is encouraged to develop compassionate motives toward herself and to her voices, recognizing that her voices may have been functional in the context of difficult early experiences. The client develops a compassionate self-identity, which becomes the vehicle through which she approaches therapeutic tasks, such as listening and talking to voices, engaging with traumatic childhood pain, and resolving emotional conflicts. The client is an author on this study, so is able to provide valuable first-hand insights into the experience of working compassionately with her voices, and of experiencing CFT techniques for the first time.



本文描述了一位 35 年听到威胁、贬损和辱骂声音的来访者的 6 个月的以同情心为中心的治疗 (CFT)。在这种干预中,鼓励来访者对自己和她的声音产生同情的动机,认识到她的声音可能在早期困难经历的背景下发挥作用。来访者发展出一种富有同情心的自我认同,这成为她处理治疗任务的工具,例如倾听和与声音交谈、处理童年创伤性痛苦以及解决情感冲突。客户是这项研究的作者,因此能够提供宝贵的第一手见解,了解富有同情心地处理她的声音以及第一次体验 CFT 技术的经验。