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Apicultural practice and disease prevalence in Apis mellifera, New Zealand: a longitudinal study
Journal of Apicultural Research ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-12 , DOI: 10.1080/00218839.2021.1936422
Richard J. Hall 1 , Hayley Pragert 1, 2 , Bernard J. Phiri 1 , Qing-Hai Fan 3 , Xiang Li 2 , Andrew Parnell 2 , Wlodek L. Stanislawek 1 , Claire M. McDonald 4 , Hye Jeong Ha 1 , Wendy McDonald 1 , Michael Taylor 1, 2

In New Zealand, the introduced honey bee (Apis mellifera) is a valuable production animal, providing pollination services for horticultural crops and significant export volumes of honey, especially mānuka honey. Honey bees in New Zealand are free from a number of significant diseases and pests such as European foulbrood, acarine disease, small hive beetle, Israeli acute paralysis virus and tropilaelaps mites. We sought to determine the health status of honey bees in New Zealand using a longitudinal study that followed 60 beekeepers over 2.5 years, ascertaining disease and pest status in their elected study apiary and interviewing them every spring and autumn. Participant beekeepers accounted for the management of approximately 12% of the beehives registered in New Zealand. Differences in beekeeping practices were observed between the North Island and the South Island. Nosema ceranae was found almost exclusively on the North Island and did not displace Nosema apis over the course of the study. Lotmaria passim showed a reverse-phase seasonality to nosema, peaking in autumn at near 100% prevalence. The prevalence of Varroa in apiaries varied seasonally between 45.0% and 46.7% in spring and between 65.0% and 69.5% in autumn, with most infestation rates below 3 mites per 100 bees. The detection rate of symptomatic American foulbrood disease during our hive inspections was very low, between 0.00% and 0.85% hive-level prevalence dependent on the season. This study sets a foundation for understanding honey bee health in New Zealand.



在新西兰,引进的蜜蜂 ( Apis mellifera ) 是一种有价值的生产动物,为园艺作物提供授粉服务,并大量出口蜂蜜,尤其是麦卢卡蜂蜜。新西兰的蜜蜂没有欧洲臭虫、螨病、小蜂巢甲虫、以色列急性麻痹病毒等许多重大疾病和害虫和 tropilaelaps 螨。我们试图通过一项纵向研究来确定新西兰蜜蜂的健康状况,该研究对 60 名养蜂人进行了 2.5 年的跟踪调查,确定他们选定的研究养蜂场的病虫害状况,并在每年春季和秋季对他们进行采访。在新西兰注册的蜂箱中,大约有 12% 是由参与者养蜂人管理的。在北岛和南岛之间观察到养蜂做法的差异。Nosema ceranae几乎只在北岛发现,在研究过程中并没有取代Nosema apis洛特玛丽亚·帕西姆表现出对鼻炎的反相季节性,在秋季达到高峰,流行率接近 100%。蜂房中瓦螨的流行率在春季在 45.0% 至 46.7% 之间以及秋季在 65.0% 至 69.5% 之间季节性变化,大多数感染率低于每 100 只蜜蜂 3 只螨虫。在我们的蜂巢检查期间,有症状的美国臭虫病的检出率非常低,在 0.00% 到 0.85% 的蜂巢级流行率之间取决于季节。这项研究为了解新西兰的蜜蜂健康奠定了基础。
