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Migration, homing and spatial ecology of common carp in interconnected lakes
Ecology of Freshwater Fish ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-11 , DOI: 10.1111/eff.12622
Nathan V. Banet 1 , John Fieberg 1 , Peter W. Sorensen 1

The common carp, Cyprinus carpio, is a large, long-lived, fecund and mobile cyprinid, which evolved in complex inter-braided Ponto-Caspian rivers that experience both springtime flooding and freezing winters. Studies suggest adults often move to productive, shallow lakes and floodplains to spawn because they often lack egg predators and then return to deeper normoxic waters to overwinter. Whether these movements involve individuals consistently selecting, or homing to, the same spawning and refuge lakes as part of a strategy benefiting their reproductive success is unknown. To address this question, we examined the movements of 67 radio-tagged adult carp for 3 years in a watershed with 11 interconnected lakes. Carp were tagged and released into a centrally located, normoxic deep lake in spring and fall. Each spring over 95% of its adults left via a single stream and swam into one of 5 shallow lakes, with most individuals (84%) selecting the same lake(s) in which to spawn each year (median Bhattacharyya affinity coefficient of similarity of 0.82). Young were later found in those lakes without egg predators, which cannot survive winter anoxia. After spawning, carp spent summers moving between productive lakes in an individualistic fashion, presumably foraging, with most (89%) eventually returning to the same deep lake to overwinter (median Bhattacharyya affinity of 1.0). These movements appear to reveal a life-history tactic involving seasonal homing migration, first to a spawning location and later to winter refuges, that is well adapted to productive but highly heterogeneous and interconnected freshwater environments.



鲤鱼,Cyprinus carpio,是一种大型、寿命长、多产且可移动的鲤科动物,它们在经历春季洪水和寒冷冬季的复杂交织的蓬托-里海河流中进化。研究表明,成虫通常会迁移到多产的浅水湖泊和泛滥平原产卵,因为它们通常缺乏卵捕食者,然后会返回更深的含氧量正常的水域过冬。这些运动是否涉及个人持续选择或归巢到相同的产卵和避难湖作为有利于其繁殖成功的策略的一部分尚不清楚。为了解决这个问题,我们在一个有 11 个相互连接的湖泊的分水岭中检查了 3 年 67 条无线电标记的成年鲤鱼的活动。鲤鱼在春季和秋季被标记并释放到位于中心位置、含氧量正常的深湖中。每年春天,超过 95% 的成鱼通过一条小溪离开并游入 5 个浅湖中的一个,大多数人 (84%) 选择每年在同一个湖中产卵(巴塔查亚亲和相似系数中位数为0.82)。后来在那些没有卵食肉动物的湖泊中发现了幼鱼,它们无法在冬季缺氧症中生存。产卵后,鲤鱼在夏季以个人主义的方式在多产的湖泊之间移动,大概是觅食,大多数(89%)最终返回同一个深湖过冬(中位 Bhattacharyya 亲和力为 1.0)。这些运动似乎揭示了一种涉及季节性归巢迁徙的生活史策略,首先到产卵地点,然后到冬季避难所,这很好地适应了生产力但高度异质和相互关联的淡水环境。大多数个体 (84%) 选择每年产卵的相同湖泊(中位数 Bhattacharyya 相似性亲和系数为 0.82)。后来在那些没有卵食肉动物的湖泊中发现了幼鱼,它们无法在冬季缺氧症中生存。产卵后,鲤鱼在夏季以个人主义的方式在多产的湖泊之间移动,大概是觅食,大多数(89%)最终返回同一个深湖过冬(中位 Bhattacharyya 亲和力为 1.0)。这些运动似乎揭示了一种涉及季节性归巢迁徙的生活史策略,首先到产卵地点,然后到冬季避难所,这很好地适应了生产力但高度异质和相互关联的淡水环境。大多数个体 (84%) 选择每年产卵的相同湖泊(中位数 Bhattacharyya 相似性亲和系数为 0.82)。后来在那些没有卵食肉动物的湖泊中发现了幼鱼,它们无法在冬季缺氧症中生存。产卵后,鲤鱼在夏季以个人主义的方式在多产的湖泊之间移动,大概是觅食,大多数(89%)最终返回同一个深湖过冬(中位 Bhattacharyya 亲和力为 1.0)。这些运动似乎揭示了一种涉及季节性归巢迁徙的生活史策略,首先到产卵地点,然后到冬季避难所,这很好地适应了生产力但高度异质和相互关联的淡水环境。