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Replanting life: ecological and human restoration
Restoration Ecology ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-12 , DOI: 10.1111/rec.13493
Alan Henrique Marques de Abreu 1 , Jorge Makhlouta Alonso 2 , Elton Luis da Silva Abel 1 , Pedro Lima Filho 3 , Paulo Henrique Pereira Reis 4 , Paulo Sérgio dos Santos Leles 2

Brazil has one of the largest prison populations globally, with high occupancy and recidivism rates. The possibility of professional training and work while serving time can be decisive to avoid recidivism and promote the resocialization of former inmates. The Replanting Life Program (Programa Replantando Vida–PRV) employs, trains, and remunerates inmates to work in ecological restoration activities, including seed collection, production of forest tree seedlings, planting, and water resources management. This study assesses the PRV's environmental benefits between 2015 and 2019, along with prisoners' motivation and perception of personal changes after working with ecological restoration. Recidivism rates among the participants were also determined. Between 2015 and 2019, the PRV nurseries produced 1,014,960 seedlings and collected more than 3 tons of seeds from 248 Atlantic Forest species. The PRV promoted ecological restoration and environmental education in more than 60 municipalities of Rio de Janeiro state. During this period, 326 prisoners worked in the PRV with ecological restoration for at least a month. The primary motivation that led inmates to seek job opportunities in the PRV was the right to remission, followed by professional training. Among the benefits perceived by prisoners for their lives, the most mentioned were the increased sense of responsibility, professional training, and family appreciation. PRV participants that worked in ecological restoration activities had recidivism rates of 22%, which is lower than the national average. It is possible to conclude from the PRV experience that prison work in ecological restoration, associated with professional training and income generation, can promote environmental benefits, reduce recidivism, and humanize the prison system.



巴西是全球监狱人口最多的国家之一,入狱率和累犯率都很高。在服刑期间接受专业培训和工作的可能性对于避免再犯和促进前囚犯的重新社会化具有决定性意义。再植生命计划 (Programa Replantando Vida–PRV) 雇用、培训和支付囚犯从事生态恢复活动,包括种子收集、林木幼苗生产、种植和水资源管理。本研究评估了 PRV 在 2015 年至 2019 年间的环境效益,以及囚犯在生态恢复工作后的动机和对个人变化的看法。还确定了参与者的再犯率。2015 年至 2019 年间,PRV 苗圃生产了 1,014 个,960 株幼苗,从 248 个大西洋森林物种中收集了超过 3 吨的种子。PRV在里约热内卢州60多个城市推广生态修复和环境教育。在此期间,326名囚犯在PRV进行了至少一个月的生态修复工作。导致囚犯在 PRV 寻求工作机会的主要动机是获得减刑的权利,其次是专业培训。在囚犯对他们的生活所感受到的好处中,被提及最多的是责任感的增强、专业培训和家庭欣赏。从事生态修复活动的PRV参与者的累犯率为22%,低于全国平均水平。从 PRV 的经验可以得出结论,监狱在生态修复方面的工作,