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Gelatinous transformation of bone marrow in a rabbit
The Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-11 , DOI: 10.1177/10406387211029916
Flavio H. Alonso 1 , Danielle K. Tarbert 1 , BinXi Wu 1 , Paula Rodriguez 1 , Mary M. Christopher 2

A 9-y-old, spayed female rabbit was presented for evaluation of hypoglycemia and lateral recumbency. The patient was hypothermic and had diffuse muscle wasting; weight loss since a previous visit was also noted. Hematologic abnormalities included progressive nonregenerative anemia and severe heteropenia. Evaluation of a bone marrow aspirate sample revealed active hematopoiesis with abundant pink matrix. The matrix material stained positively with periodic acid–Schiff and alcian blue, and a diagnosis of gelatinous transformation of the bone marrow (GTBM, serous atrophy of fat) was made. Although its precise prevalence remains to be determined, GTBM should be suspected in rabbits with persistent cytopenias following prolonged starvation or gastrointestinal disease.



一只 9 岁的绝育雌性兔被送来评估低血糖和侧卧位。患者体温过低,有弥漫性肌肉萎缩;还注意到自上次访问以来的体重减轻。血液学异常包括进行性非再生性贫血和严重的异位症。骨髓穿刺样本的评估显示活跃的造血功能和丰富的粉红色基质。基质材料用高碘酸-希夫和阿尔新蓝染色呈阳性,诊断为骨髓凝胶状转化(GTBM,浆液性脂肪萎缩)。尽管其确切的患病率仍有待确定,但在长期饥饿或胃肠道疾病后出现持续血细胞减少的兔中,应怀疑 GTBM。
