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The Riddle of the Tachat Family
Journal of Egyptian History ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-08 , DOI: 10.1163/18741665-bja10002
Dana Bělohoubková 1

At the end of the Eighteenth and beginning of the Nineteenth Dynasty, several attestations of women named Tachat with the title wr.t ḫnr n jmn are possible to observe. These women all had a family background associated with service in the temple, mainly with the cult of Amun. This article brings these women together, and shows that the line of holders of this post in the Amun temple could imply the continuation of possible family ties among these female temple personnel. The family tree covers a rather long period of time for the women in question, who held this post in the cult of Amun even during the Amarna Period, demonstrating that some officials in Thebes were able to worship Amun even during the Amarna Period.



在第十八王朝末和第十九王朝初期,可以观察到一些名为 Tachat 的妇女的证明,标题为wr.t ḫnr n jmn。这些女性都有与寺庙服务相关的家庭背景,主要是阿蒙神崇拜。这篇文章将这些女性聚集在一起,并表明在阿蒙神庙中担任此职位的人可能意味着这些女性神庙人员之间可能存在家庭联系的延续。这些妇女的族谱涵盖了相当长的时间,即使在阿玛尔纳时期,她们也在阿蒙神崇拜中担任这一职务,这表明底比斯的一些官员即使在阿玛尔纳时期也能崇拜阿蒙神。
