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Social and environmental factors influencing contemporary cases of wolf aggression towards people in Poland
European Journal of Wildlife Research ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-12 , DOI: 10.1007/s10344-020-01455-1
Sabina Nowak 1 , Michał Figura 1 , Maciej Szewczyk 2 , Patrycja Tomczak 3 , Izabela Całus 4 , Robert W. Mysłajek 5

Understanding factors and mechanisms causing large carnivore aggression towards people is crucial for their conservation in modern human-dominated landscapes. We present detailed descriptions of wolf attacks on people in early summer 2018 in two areas of Poland, analysis of behaviour, fitness and origin of individuals responsible for the attacks and management actions undertaken by local communities as well as governmental bodies and non-governmental organisations. We show that attacks were caused by yearling wolves (13-month-old male and 14-month-old female) originating from local packs, which appeared near households several months prior to incidents. Both individuals were positively food-conditioned and showed increasing habituation caused by irresponsible behaviour of people such as long-lasting intentional feeding or illegal keeping. Post mortem necropsy revealed obesity and serious abnormality of spleen (polysplenia) in the problem female wolf that negatively impacted her fitness and was the most likely reason for her presence near households and feeding on leftovers. Despite prolonged observations of these wolves very close to human settlements (less than 30 m), no mitigation actions were undertaken until the attacks, after which both individuals were killed. We provide several recommendations to avoid aggressive human-carnivore encounters.



了解导致大型食肉动物攻击人类的因素和机制对于在现代人类主导的景观中保护它们至关重要。我们详细描述了 2018 年初夏波兰两个地区狼群袭击人类的情况,分析了当地社区以及政府机构和非政府组织所采取的袭击和管理行动的行为、健康和个人来源。我们表明攻击是由来自当地群的一岁狼(13 个月大的雄性和 14 个月大的雌性)引起的,它们在事件发生前几个月出现在家庭附近。两个人都对食物有积极的态度,并且由于人们不负责任的行为(例如长期故意喂食或非法饲养)而表现出越来越多的习惯。尸检显示,问题雌性狼的肥胖和脾脏严重异常(多脾)对她的健康产生负面影响,并且是她出现在家庭附近并以剩菜为食的最可能原因。尽管对这些狼非常靠近人类住区(不到 30 m)进行了长时间的观察,但在袭击之前没有采取任何缓解措施,之后两人都被杀死。我们提供了一些建议,以避免与人类食肉动物发生侵略性的遭遇。在袭击发生之前没有采取任何缓解行动,之后两人都被杀。我们提供了一些建议,以避免与人类食肉动物发生侵略性的遭遇。在袭击发生之前没有采取任何缓解行动,之后两人都被杀。我们提供了一些建议,以避免与人类食肉动物发生侵略性的遭遇。
