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Reconstructing the Holocene environments in the Russian sector of the Neman Delta area, Kaliningrad Region
Geological Quarterly ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-12 , DOI: 10.7306/gq.1600

A history of landscape development in the Russian part of the Neman Delta area during the Holocene, with an emphasis on the formation of forests and wetlands, is deduced based on pollen analysis, radiocarbon dating, a field topography survey, and macrofossil analysis of peat deposits in a coastal mire, the Koz’ye Bog. Several 1,000–2,000-year time lags in vegetational development were revealed here, though they have not been recorded for other landscapes in the Kaliningrad Region and the adjacent areas in the southeastern Baltic. The causes are still not completely clear, but they presumably related to some of the regional patterns of climate development and the submergence of the area during the second Littorina transgression (7,500–7,000 cal. yr BP). It is established that cryophilic open tundra-like vegetation existed here not only in Late Glacial time (Younger Dryas) but up to the mid-Boreal (9,700–9,500 cal. yr BP). A transition from the open landscapes of the Late Glacial to birch and then pine forests occurred here 9,700–8,700 cal. yr BP, whereas the expansion of thermophilic broadleaf species of the nemoral (temperate) association (Quercus, Ulmus, Tilia, Corylus) was recorded only in the period 6,400–3,500 cal. yr BP. Peak expansion of Alnus occurred here only in the late Subboreal (3,500–2,700 cal. yr BP), while in adjacent areas it reached its maximum as early as the Atlantic. The general vegetation dynamics in this area during the Late Glacial and the Holocene could be referred to as a transition from the dominance of pine forests to a wide dispersal of alder carrs. This environmental shift was caused not only by climatic factors but probably also due to the transformation of the hilly coastal terrace into a low-lying plain landscape after flooding during the transgressions of the Baltic.



根据花粉分析、放射性碳测年、实地地形调查和泥炭沉积的大型化石分析,推导出全新世内曼三角洲地区俄罗斯部分的景观发展历史,重点是森林和湿地的形成在沿海沼泽,科兹耶沼泽。这里揭示了植被发展的几个 1,000-2,000 年的时间滞后,尽管在加里宁格勒地区和波罗的海东南部邻近地区的其他景观中没有记录。原因尚不完全清楚,但据推测,它们可能与第二次 Littorina 海侵(7,500–7,000 cal. yr BP)期间气候发展的一些区域模式和该地区的淹没有关。已经确定,这里不仅存在于晚冰期(年轻的仙女木),而且一直到中北方(9,700-9,500 cal. yr BP),这里都存在着类似低温的开放苔原植被。9,700–8,700 卡路里的热量从晚冰期的开阔景观过渡到白桦林,然后是松树林。yr BP,而nemoral(温带)协会的嗜热阔叶树种的扩张(Quercus , Ulmus , Tilia , Corylus ) 仅记录在 6,400–3,500 cal 期间。年 BP。Alnus 的峰值扩张仅发生在晚北半球(3,500–2,700 cal. yr BP),而在邻近地区,它早在大西洋就达到了最大值。该地区在晚冰期和全新世期间的一般植被动态可以被称为从松林的主导地位到桤木的广泛分布的过渡。这种环境变化不仅是由气候因素引起的,而且可能还因为波罗的海海侵期间,沿海丘陵阶地在洪水泛滥后转变为低洼平原景观。
