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Contrasting tectonic styles of the western and eastern parts of the Western Carpathian Klippen Belt in Slovakia based on magnetotelluric sounding of deep tectonic structures
Geological Quarterly ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-12 , DOI: 10.7306/gq.1595
Vladimír Bezák, Ján Vozár, Dušan Majcin, Radek Klanica, Ján Madarás

To characterize the deep structure of the Klippen Belt, we made magnetotelluric measurements in profiles across the western and eastern segments in the territory of Slovakia, from which we created 3D models. The models revealed significant differences in tectonic structure between these segments. In the western segment, the Klippen Belt is located in the southern reversing wing of the original subduction flower structure (retroarc thrusting) with an overthrust to the south onto the Inner Western Carpathian units. This structure was later modified by significant transpressional movements. In the eastern segment, the Klippen Belt is primarily an organic part of the accretionary wedge of the Outer Western Carpathians and it is overthrusted onto the Flysch Belt. This was followed by modification of the structures, mostly in a transpressional regime, including local reversing overthrusts and the development of a steep fault boundary, mainly along the southern margin, against the Inner Carpathian Paleogene succession. These differences between the structure of the western and eastern Klippen Belt segments indicate the contrast between the interaction of the western and eastern parts of the Inner Western Carpathians with the European Platform. In the western part, oblique collision and sinistral transpression dominate. In the eastern part, by contrast, subduction and orthogonal collision dominated over later transpressional modifications.



为了表征 Klippen 带的深层结构,我们在斯洛伐克领土西部和东部的剖面中进行了大地电磁测量,并从中创建了 3D 模型。这些模型揭示了这些段之间构造结构的显着差异。在西段,Klippen 带位于原始俯冲花状结构(弧后逆冲)的南回旋翼,向南逆冲至内西喀尔巴阡单元。这种结构后来被显着的压迫运动修改。在东段,Klippen 带主要是外西喀尔巴阡山脉增生楔的有机部分,它被推倒在 Flysch 带上。随后是对结构进行了修改,主要是在压抑状态下,包括局部逆逆冲断层和陡峭断层边界的发育,主要沿南缘,与内喀尔巴阡古近系相背。Klippen 带西段和东段结构之间的这些差异表明内西喀尔巴阡山脉的西部和东部部分与欧洲地台相互作用之间的对比。西部以斜向碰撞和左旋压压为主。相比之下,在东部,俯冲和正交碰撞主导了后来的挤压改造。Klippen 带西段和东段结构之间的这些差异表明内西喀尔巴阡山脉的西部和东部部分与欧洲地台相互作用之间的对比。西部以斜向碰撞和左旋压压为主。相比之下,在东部,俯冲和正交碰撞主导了后来的挤压改造。Klippen 带西段和东段结构之间的这些差异表明内西喀尔巴阡山脉的西部和东部部分与欧洲地台相互作用之间的对比。西部以斜向碰撞和左旋压压为主。相比之下,在东部,俯冲和正交碰撞主导了后来的挤压改造。