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Evolution of Neoarchean–Paleoproterozoic basement in the Brunovistulia terrane, S Poland: geological, P-T and geochemical records
Geological Quarterly ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-12 , DOI: 1590
Andrzej Ryszard Żelaźniewicz, Mirosław Jastrzębski


Brunovistulia is a composite terrane of Gondwana descent that eventually was accreted to the SW margin of Baltica, central Europe. It is built of metagneous and metasedimentary rocks that originated mainly between 650 and 550 Ma. However in the Upper Silesian part of Brunovistulia, much older fragments have been drilled, which yielded U-Pb zircon ages between 2.75 and 2.0 Ga. They have been interpreted as an “exotic” constituent of the Brunovistulia superterrane, named the Rzeszotary Terrane. Our geological and geochemical studies of the Rzeszotary borehole cores yielded new data on the composition, provenance and evolution of that terrane. Precursors of the Rzeszotary complex were separated from the depleted mantle prior to or around 3.2–3.0 Ga. At 2.75–2.6 Ga, a juvenile magmatic arc edifice formed, beneath which oceanic lithosphere was subducted. Decompression melting of the mantle brought about tholeiite magmas of IAT/MORB composition with LILE additions. Tonalitic and trondhjemitic precursors of gneisses present today were formed at that time, probably due to partial melting of mantle-derived wet basalts at the base of the island arc. Around 2.0 Ga, the arc collided with an unspecified cratonic mass and was subject to orogenic deformation, metamorphism and migmatization. The entire arc edifice was then strongly shortened and forced down to depths equivalent to ~6–12 kbar where the rocks underwent contractional deformation and metamorphism (~500–700°C). Tonalites and trondhjemites were changed to gneisses, and basites to epidote- and garnet amphibolites. These rocks underwent syntectonic migmatization through the mechanism of segregation/differentiation in the presence of fluids and incipient partial melting. Synmetamorphic shortening of the rock pile, which led to folding and heterogeneous development of shear zones with thrust kinematics, terminated with intrusions of K-granites at 2.0 Ga, being followed by some brittle-ductile deformation of unconstrained timing. The 2.0 Ga event may have been connected with the 2.1–1.8 Ga global amalgamation of the Paleoproterozoic supercontinent of Columbia. Later the future Rzeszotary terrane was detached from the Gondwana mainland, reassembled and eventually, in the Neoproterozoic, it became part of the foreland of the Cadomian Orogen in Central Europe.


波兰南部布鲁诺维斯图利亚地体中新太古代-古元古代基底的演化:地质、PT 和地球化学记录


Brunovistulia 是冈瓦纳后裔的复合地体,最终被增生到中欧波罗的海的西南边缘。它由主要起源于 650 至 550 Ma 的变质岩和变沉积岩构成。然而,在 Brunovistulia 的上西里西亚部分,已经钻探了更古老的碎片,产生了 U-Pb 锆石年龄介于 2.75 和 2.0 Ga 之间。它们被解释为 Brunovistulia 超地体的“奇异”成分,称为 Rzeszotary 地体。我们对 Rzeszotary 钻孔岩心的地质和地球化学研究产生了关于该地体的组成、来源和演化的新数据。在 3.2-3.0 Ga 之前或附近,Rzeszotary 复合体的前体与耗尽的地幔分离。在 2.75-2.6 Ga,形成了幼年岩浆弧形建筑物,大洋岩石圈在其下方俯冲。地幔的减压熔融产生了 IAT/MORB 组成的拉斑岩浆,并添加了 LILE。今天存在的片麻岩的斜长岩和长闪长岩的前体是在那个时候形成的,可能是由于岛弧底部地幔衍生的湿玄武岩的部分熔化。大约 2.0 Ga,该弧与一个未指明的克拉通质量发生碰撞,并受到造山变形、变质作用和混杂作用。然后,整个弧形建筑被强烈缩短并被迫下降到相当于约 6-12 kbar 的深度,在那里岩石经历了收缩变形和变质作用(约 500-700°C)。Tonalites 和 trondhjemites 变为片麻岩,基岩变为绿帘石和石榴石角闪岩。这些岩石在流体存在和初期部分熔融的情况下通过分离/分异机制经历同构造混杂。岩桩的同变质缩短,导致剪切带的折叠和不均匀发展,具有推力运动学,终止于 2.0 Ga 的 K 花岗岩侵入,随后是一些不受约束的脆性 - 韧性变形。2.0 Ga 事件可能与哥伦比亚古元古代超大陆的 2.1-1.8 Ga 全球合并有关。后来,未来的 Rzeszotary 地体从冈瓦纳大陆分离,重新组装,最终在新元古代,它成为中欧 Cadomian Orogen 前陆的一部分。岩桩的同变质缩短,导致剪切带的折叠和不均匀发展,具有推力运动学,终止于 2.0 Ga 的 K 花岗岩侵入,随后是一些不受约束的脆性 - 韧性变形。2.0 Ga 事件可能与哥伦比亚古元古代超大陆的 2.1-1.8 Ga 全球合并有关。后来,未来的 Rzeszotary 地体从冈瓦纳大陆分离,重新组装,最终在新元古代,它成为中欧 Cadomian Orogen 前陆的一部分。岩桩的同变质缩短,导致剪切带的折叠和不均匀发展,具有推力运动学,终止于 2.0 Ga 的 K 花岗岩侵入,随后是一些不受约束的脆性 - 韧性变形。2.0 Ga 事件可能与哥伦比亚古元古代超大陆的 2.1-1.8 Ga 全球合并有关。后来,未来的 Rzeszotary 地体从冈瓦纳大陆分离,重新组装,最终在新元古代,它成为中欧 Cadomian Orogen 前陆的一部分。0 Ga 事件可能与哥伦比亚古元古代超大陆的 2.1-1.8 Ga 全球合并有关。后来,未来的 Rzeszotary 地体从冈瓦纳大陆分离,重新组装,最终在新元古代,它成为中欧 Cadomian Orogen 前陆的一部分。0 Ga 事件可能与哥伦比亚古元古代超大陆的 2.1-1.8 Ga 全球合并有关。后来,未来的 Rzeszotary 地体从冈瓦纳大陆分离,重新组装,最终在新元古代,它成为中欧 Cadomian Orogen 前陆的一部分。
