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The New Baloch Militancy: Drivers and Dynamics
India Quarterly ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-12 , DOI: 10.1177/09749284211027253
Shakoor Ahmad Wani 1

Since the early 2000, Balochistan is yet again embroiled in a cobweb of violence after a hiatus of more than two decades. The Baloch nationalist militancy began to reinvigorate after the seizure of power by General Pervez Musharraf in 1999. Musharraf marginalised the moderate Baloch nationalists and repressed dissident voices. The differences over power and resource sharing escalated quickly into a full-blown armed struggle once Musharraf used indiscriminate force to subdue opposition against his regime. This article examines the proximate and long-term structural factors that led to the resurgence of armed militancy at the turn of the twenty-first century. It analyses the new drivers and dynamics of the present conflict that make it more virulent and lend it a distinctive character.



自 2000 年初以来,俾路支省在中断了 20 多年之后再次卷入了暴力的蜘蛛网。1999 年佩尔韦兹·穆沙拉夫将军夺取政权后,俾路支民族主义激进分子开始重新焕发活力。穆沙拉夫将温和的俾路支民族主义者边缘化并压制持不同政见者的声音。一旦穆沙拉夫不分青红皂白地使用武力镇压反对其政权的反对派,权力和资源共享方面的分歧迅速升级为全面武装斗争。本文考察了导致 21 世纪之交武装战斗死灰复燃的近期和长期结构性因素。它分析了当前冲突的新驱动因素和动态,使其更具毒性并赋予其独特的特征。
