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Commodity price fluctuations and development: perspective from emerging economies
Journal of Financial Economic Policy ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-13 , DOI: 10.1108/jfep-02-2021-0039
Rexford Abaidoo 1 , Elvis Agyapong Agyapong 2


This paper aims to examine the impact of commodity price changes (crude oil, cocoa, coffee, cotton and gold) on the international market on development (development proxied by the human development index) (HDI) among emerging economies in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA).


Empirical estimates verifying theorized relationships in question were performed using the two-step system generalized method of moments framework.


Results from the empirical estimates suggest that a percentage increase in the prices of crude oil, cocoa and gold in the world market have a significant positive influence on development among economies in the sub-region all things being equal; however, similar price changes in cotton and coffee showed a negative effect on development. Further empirical estimates suggest that the extent to which prices of key commodities such as crude oil, influence development in the sub-region benefit less from institutional variables such as government effectiveness, corruption control and political stability. The same institutional variables, however, were found to augment how changes in cocoa prices influence development among economies in the sub-region.


This study specifically examines the extent to which commodity price fluctuations impact a holistic measure of development, (HDI which inherently captures economic growth) among emerging economies such as those in the SSA region, and how such relationship may be moderated by conditions such as corruption control and government effectiveness. The review suggests that such a study is rare, did not find any specific empirical inquiry focusing on what this study is designed to accomplish. A major gap or deficit identified among most reviewed studies is the failure to verify how the surmised relationship between movements in prices of commodities traded on the international market and development is moderated by institutional factors such as corruption control, government effectiveness and political stability. This study specifically examines such interaction effects in its empirical analysis.




本文旨在研究商品价格变化(原油、可可、咖啡、棉花和黄金)对国际市场对撒哈拉以南非洲新兴经济体发展(人类发展指数代表的发展)(HDI)的影响( SSA)。






本研究特别研究了商品价格波动对发展的整体衡量标准(HDI 本身反映经济增长)在 SSA 地区等新兴经济体中的影响程度,以及这种关系如何受到腐败控制等条件的缓和和政府效能。审查表明,这样的研究很少见,没有发现任何针对本研究旨在完成的具体实证调查。大多数审查研究中发现的一个主要差距或缺陷是未能验证国际市场上交易的商品价格变动与发展之间的推测关系如何受到腐败控制、政府效率和政治稳定等制度因素的缓和。
