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Book Review: Teaching Information Literacy in Higher Education
Journal of Food Science Education Pub Date : 2021-07-11 , DOI: 10.1111/1541-4329.12225
Helen Joyner 1, 2


Teaching Information Literacy in Higher Education: Effective Teaching and Active Learning (1st Edition), by Mariann Lokse, Torstein Lag, Mariann Solberg, Helene N. Andreassen, and Mark Stenersen. 2017. Chandos Publishing, ISBN: 978-0081009215. 174 pages.

Continuing on the previous theme of exploring books that are not specifically written for faculty but still involve teaching and learning, I picked up Teaching Information Literacy in Higher Education. Information literacy, always important, is even more important for today's students because they have access to so much information but don't always have the skills to be able to filter, critique, and summarize what they find. This book addresses this issue, giving a comprehensive overview of why information literacy is important and how to teach it to undergraduates.

The authors (Lokse, Lag, Solberg, Andreassen, & Stenersen) are all librarians at universities and so have firsthand knowledge of why information literacy is so important. Interestingly, this book is written for university library staff, who usually offer short sessions to students—maybe an hour or two per semester—on information literacy and related topics, like using citations and creating a reference section in a paper. However, many university courses have a writing component, so faculty can also benefit from reading this book and incorporating elements of information literacy into their courses.

The book is divided into seven chapters. The first chapter explains why information literacy is important and the intentions of the book, providing a framework for teaching information literacy. This chapter makes an excellent case for the need to teach information literacy to students. Information literacy and its uses are defined in the second chapter. Although it has a number of definitions, information literacy can be considered to be the knowledge and skill set needed to locate, evaluate, process, summarize, and synthesize information. Students need firm grounding in all of these abilities for proper information literacy. Unfortunately, there are several obstacles related to teaching information literacy, including lack of resources and student disinterest. But Lokse and others point out that information literacy is critical for students because it is integral to learning: students need to be able to properly absorb, evaluate, and integrate information for deep learning.

Chapters 3 and 4 discuss fundamental principles of how learning works and learning strategies, respectively. Readers of educational literature will find the information in these chapters familiar, but the chapters do contain a good summary of how information is processed by the brain, how working memory operates, and what study strategies are and are not effective. Although the processes of learning are not discussed in great detail, these chapters are a good crash course in the process of learning for those unfamiliar with the topic. After laying this foundation, Lokse and others present an argument on how information literacy impacts critical thinking and academic integrity in Chapter 5. This chapter reinforces the importance of a solid grounding in information literacy for developing critical thinking, since developing information literacy requires critical evaluation of information. Is the source of the information sound? Are established facts used to make the points? How does this information fit in with my understanding of the subject? Do I need to change something about the way I think about this subject? As students work to answer these questions while developing information literacy, they sharpen their critical thinking skills. They also develop a better understanding of why academic integrity, including proper attribution of information, is important for creating sound conclusions and well-supported arguments.

Chapter 6 was my favorite chapter in this book because Lokse and others put together a wonderful roadmap of how to construct a learning session for information literacy. The chapter, entitled “Teaching It All”, covers how to set up learning outcomes and develop activities and assessments to achieve those outcomes. Lokse and others provide a number of examples of outcomes, activities, and assessments, which can be tailored to students with different levels of information literacy and sessions of different length. I love seeing practical applications of educational strategies, and this chapter provides great guidance for building educational sessions on information literacy from the ground up. After getting the reader excited about teaching information literacy, the book ends with a short epilogue chapter restating the importance of this topic and encouraging the reader to try out some of the strategies and learn more about the subject.

Overall, this book is a good read for anyone concerned with student information literacy and needing a bit of guidance on how to help students become more information literate. Those familiar with education pedagogy can skim the chapters on those topics; Chapter 6 is the chapter that helps you put a plan into action. But the chapters on why this subject is important are also useful, particularly for student questions about why information literacy is important (or even why instructors are so fussy about proper citation). This book can also be used to prompt collaboration between faculty and library staff. Having everyone on the same page about why information literacy is important is critical for helping students develop the skills they need to process the vast amount of information on their discipline and in their everyday lives.




高等教育中的教学信息素养:有效教学和主动学习(第 1 版),作者:Mariann Lokse、Torstein Lag、Mariann Solberg、Helene N. Andreassen 和 Mark Stenersen。2017. Chandos 出版社,ISBN:978-0081009215。174 页。


作者(Lokse、Lag、Solberg、Andreassen 和 Stenersen)都是大学的图书馆员,因此对信息素养为何如此重要有第一手的了解。有趣的是,这本书是为大学图书馆工作人员编写的,他们通常为学生提供关于信息素养和相关主题的短期课程(每学期可能一两个小时),例如使用引文和在论文中创建参考部分。然而,许多大学课程都有写作部分,因此教师也可以从阅读本书并将信息素养元素融入他们的课程中受益。


第 3 章和第 4 章分别讨论了学习如何运作和学习策略的基本原则。教育文献的读者会发现这些章节中的信息很熟悉,但这些章节确实很好地总结了大脑如何处理信息、工作记忆如何运作以及哪些学习策略有效和无效。虽然没有详细讨论学习的过程,但对于不熟悉该主题的人来说,这些章节是学习过程中的一个很好的速成课程。在奠定了这个基础之后,Lokse 和其他人在第 5 章中就信息素养如何影响批判性思维和学术诚信提出了一个论点。 这一章强调了信息素养的坚实基础对于发展批判性思维的重要性,因为发展信息素养需要对信息进行批判性评估。信息来源是否可靠?是否使用既定的事实来提出观点?这些信息如何符合我对该主题的理解?我需要改变我对这个主题的看法吗?当学生在培养信息素养的同时努力回答这些问题时,他们会提高批判性思维技能。他们还更好地理解了为什么学术诚信,包括信息的正确归属,对于得出合理的结论和有充分支持的论点很重要。信息来源是否可靠?是否使用既定的事实来提出观点?这些信息如何符合我对该主题的理解?我需要改变我对这个主题的看法吗?当学生在培养信息素养的同时努力回答这些问题时,他们会提高批判性思维技能。他们还更好地理解了为什么学术诚信,包括信息的正确归属,对于得出合理的结论和有充分支持的论点很重要。信息来源是否可靠?是否使用既定的事实来提出观点?这些信息如何符合我对该主题的理解?我需要改变我对这个主题的看法吗?当学生在培养信息素养的同时努力回答这些问题时,他们会提高批判性思维技能。他们还更好地理解了为什么学术诚信,包括信息的正确归属,对于得出合理的结论和有充分支持的论点很重要。

第 6 章是本书中我最喜欢的章节,因为 Lokse 和其他人为如何构建信息素养学习课程制定了一个精彩的路线图。标题为“全方面教学”的章节涵盖了如何建立学习成果以及开发活动和评估以实现这些成果。Lokse 和其他人提供了许多结果、活动和评估的例子,可以为具有不同信息素养水平和不同长度的课程的学生量身定制。我喜欢看到教育策略的实际应用,本章为从头开始建立信息素养教育课程提供了很好的指导。在让读者对教授信息素养感到兴奋之后,

总体而言,这本书适合任何关心学生信息素养并需要一些有关如何帮助学生提高信息素养的指导的人阅读。熟悉教育教学法的人可以略读有关这些主题的章节;第 6 章是帮助您将计划付诸行动的章节。但是关于为什么这个主题很重要的章节也很有用,特别是对于学生关于为什么信息素养很重要(甚至为什么教师对正确引用如此挑剔)的问题。本书还可用于促进教师和图书馆工作人员之间的合作。让每个人都在同一页面上了解信息素养为何如此重要对于帮助学生培养处理有关其学科和日常生活中的大量信息所需的技能至关重要。
