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Effect of Split Pit on Maturation of ‘Shimizu Hakuto’ Peach on Trees
Horticulture Journal ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-10-23 , DOI: 10.2503/hortj.utd-285
Takashi Kawai 1 , Tomoya Ichioka 2 , Akari Ikeda 2 , Tami Ohashi 2 , Go Inohara 2 , Ken Hirano 1 , Ryohei Nakano 3 , Fumio Fukuda 1

Split pit in peach [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch] fruit is an internal disorder characterized by the splitting or fracture of the lignified endocarp known as the stone or pit. It is empirically known that split-pit peach fruit mature earlier than normal fruit on trees, thereby leading to frequent preharvest fruit drop in split-pit fruit. However, studies that accurately compare split-pit and normal fruit maturation and/or focus on the physiological mechanism underlying this difference in maturation are limited, partly due to the lack of an effective method to distinguish split-pit fruit from normal fruit on trees. Recently, we demonstrated that an acoustic vibration method could be effectively used for the nondestructive detection of split pit in unpicked peach fruit on trees. In this study, we applied this method to distinguish normal fruit from split-pit fruit and evaluate maturation on trees. Comparison of pairs of normal and split-pit fruit grown at a near-canopy position for three consecutive years (2018–2020) revealed that split-pit fruit matured earlier than normal fruit in most pairs. The average harvest date difference was approximately three days, at least under the experimental conditions in 2020. The amount of ethylene produced from seeds was significantly larger in immature split-pit fruit than immature normal fruit collected at fruit development stage from late June to early July, suggesting that the increased ethylene production from seeds during the fruit development stage is a possible cause of early maturation in split-pit fruit. From the results obtained, we discuss the effect of split pit on the maturation of peach fruit on trees in relation to practical cultivation management to reduce problems caused by split pit.


裂坑对'Shimizu Hakuto'桃在树上成熟的影响

桃裂[ Prunus persica(L.) Batsch] 果实是一种内部疾病,其特征是木质化的内果皮分裂或断裂,称为石核或核果核。根据经验可知,裂核桃果实比树上的正常果实成熟得更早,从而导致裂核果实在采前频繁落果。然而,准确比较裂核果实和正常果实成熟度和/或关注这种成熟差异背后的生理机制的研究是有限的,部分原因是缺乏区分裂核果实与树上正常果实的有效方法。最近,我们证明了一种声振动方法可以有效地用于无损检测树上未采摘的桃果实中的裂核。在这项研究中,我们应用这种方法来区分正常果实和裂核果实,并评估树木的成熟度。连续三年(2018-2020 年)在接近冠层位置生长的正常和裂核果实对的比较显示,大多数对裂核果实的成熟时间早于正常果实。至少在2020年的试验条件下,平均收获日期相差约3天。 6月下旬至7月上旬果实发育阶段收集的未成熟裂核果实的种子产生的乙烯量明显大于未成熟的正常果实,表明果实发育阶段种子乙烯产量增加可能是裂核果实过早成熟的原因。从得到的结果来看,
