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A new reefgoby, Priolepis duostella (Perciformes: Gobiidae) collected from off Kashiwa-jima Island, Kochi, Japan
Ichthyological Research ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-12 , DOI: 10.1007/s10228-021-00833-2
Keita Koeda 1, 2 , Tatsuki Koido 2 , Yasuko Matsuno 3 , Hiromitsu Endo 4

Priolepis duostella sp. nov. (Perciformes: Gobiidae) is described based on a single specimen of 28.8 mm in standard length collected from an artificial reef released established for 2.5 years in ca. 100 m depth off Kashiwa-jima Island, Kochi, southern Japan. Within the three species grades of the genus, the new species is included in the “Priolepis profunda” grade, characterized by the presence of predorsal scales and well-developed transverse papillae rows on the cheek. The new species can be clearly distinguished from congeners by its distinctive coloration, including two black blotches, each crossed by a vertical white stripe, on the caudal fin, four white stripes on the head, and six white bars on body, the second bar curved, continuous with the anteriormost diagonal stripe on the first dorsal fin, the third bar bent at the middle, originating on the second dorsal-fin origin, and the fourth bar curved. Although most similar in coloration to Priolepis akihitoi Hoese and Larson 2010, the new species can be distinguished from the latter by the following: a large eye, its diameter 31.4% of head length (HL) (vs. 26.1–30.3), a wide interorbital space, its width 10.9% HL (vs. 5.3–7.8), six bars on the body, second to fourth curve or bent (vs. eight, all straight), black blotches on the lower caudal fin (vs. absent), and three anterior transverse interorbital papillae (ATI) (vs. one or two); and four or five posterior transverse interorbital papillae (PTI) (vs. one or two).


从日本高知柏岛附近采集的一种新的礁鱼,Priolepis duostella(鲈形目:Gobiidae)

Priolepis duostella sp. 十一月 (Perciformes:Gobiidae)是基于从大约 2.5 年建立的人工鱼礁中收集的标准长度 28.8 毫米的单个标本进行描述的。日本南部高知市柏岛附近 100 m 深。在该属的三个种级中,新种被列入“深海蜈蚣”(Priolepis profunda)。”级,特征是在脸颊上存在前背鳞片和发育良好的横向乳突。新物种可以通过其独特的颜色与同类明显区分开来,包括两个黑色斑点,每个黑色斑点在尾鳍上都有一条垂直的白色条纹,头部有四条白色条纹,身体上有六条白条,第二条是弯曲的, 与第一背鳍上最前面的斜条纹相连,第三条在中间弯曲,起源于第二个背鳍起点,第四条弯曲。虽然在颜色上与Priolepis akihitoi最相似Hoese and Larson 2010,新物种可以通过以下方式与后者区分开来:一个大眼睛,它的直径是头长 (HL) 的 31.4% (vs. 26.1–30.3),一个宽阔的眶间空间,它的宽度是 10.9% HL (vs. 5.3-7.8),身体上有 6 个横条,第二到第四个曲线或弯曲(vs. 8 个,全部是直的),下尾鳍上有黑色斑点(vs. 不存在),以及三个前横向眶间乳头 ( ATI) )(相对于一两个);和四个或五个后横向眶间乳头 ( PTI )(相对于一个或两个)。
