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Blue Waters, Green Bottoms: Benthic Filamentous Algal Blooms Are an Emerging Threat to Clear Lakes Worldwide
BioScience ( IF 7.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-27 , DOI: 10.1093/biosci/biab049
Yvonne Vadeboncoeur 1 , Marianne V Moore 2 , Simon D Stewart 3 , Sudeep Chandra 4 , Karen S Atkins 5 , Jill S Baron 6 , Keith Bouma-Gregson 7 , Soren Brothers 8 , Steven N Francoeur 9 , Laurel Genzoli 10 , Scott N Higgins 11 , Sabine Hilt 12 , Leon R Katona 1 , David Kelly 3 , Isabella A Oleksy 13 , Ted Ozersky 14 , Mary E Power 15 , Derek Roberts 16 , Adrianne P Smits 5 , Oleg Timoshkin 17 , Flavia Tromboni 4 , M Jake Vander Zanden 18 , Ekaterina A Volkova 17 , Sean Waters 3 , Susanna A Wood 3 , Masumi Yamamuro 19

Nearshore (littoral) habitats of clear lakes with high water quality are increasingly experiencing unexplained proliferations of filamentous algae that grow on submerged surfaces. These filamentous algal blooms (FABs) are sometimes associated with nutrient pollution in groundwater, but complex changes in climate, nutrient transport, lake hydrodynamics, and food web structure may also facilitate this emerging threat to clear lakes. A coordinated effort among members of the public, managers, and scientists is needed to document the occurrence of FABs, to standardize methods for measuring their severity, to adapt existing data collection networks to include nearshore habitats, and to mitigate and reverse this profound structural change in lake ecosystems. Current models of lake eutrophication do not explain this littoral greening. However, a cohesive response to it is essential for protecting some of the world's most valued lakes and the flora, fauna, and ecosystem services they sustain.



水质良好的清澈湖泊的近岸(沿岸)栖息地越来越多地出现生长在水下表面的丝状藻类无法解释的增殖现象。这些丝状藻华(FAB)有时与地下水中的营养物污染有关,但气候、营养物运输、湖泊水动力和食物网结构的复杂变化也可能加剧这种对清澈湖泊的新威胁。公众、管理人员和科学家之间需要协调努力,记录 FAB 的发生,标准化衡量其严重程度的方法,调整现有的数据收集网络以包括近岸栖息地,并减轻和扭转这种深刻的结构变化在湖泊生态系统中。目前的湖泊富营养化模型无法解释这种沿海绿化。然而,对此采取一致的应对措施对于保护世界上一些最有价值的湖泊及其所维持的动植物群和生态系统服务至关重要。