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Knowledge, reason and emotion: using behavioral theories to understand people’s support for invasive animal management
Biological Invasions ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-11 , DOI: 10.1007/s10530-021-02594-5
Zachary T. Steele 1 , Elizabeth F. Pienaar 2, 3

Species invasions contribute to global environmental change and cause declines in populations of threatened and endangered species. Significant government funds are expended on invasive species management (ISM) actions each year. Public support and compliance are critical to the success of these actions. We conducted a study to assess determinants of the general public’s support for ISM actions to identify potential barriers to ISM. We administered an online questionnaire to the general public (n = 1,561) in Florida, a state severely affected by species invasions. We presented respondents with 12 different non-native animals from 4 different taxa (birds, rodents, herpetofauna, fish) to test whether their support for ISM actions depended on the animals to be managed or their perceptions of risk. We utilized structural equation models to explore how different variables directly and indirectly influenced support for management actions. Respondents tended to oppose management actions targeted towards birds and charismatic species. Respondents’ support for government-implemented ISM actions was positively correlated with their awareness of the risks associated with different animals and species invasions in general, their awareness of the consequences of species invasions, and their recognition of the importance of taking actions to mitigate invasion threats. Efforts to promote public support for ISM actions should emphasize the different risks associated with invasive species and the consequences of species invasions to offset opposition to ISM actions that target charismatic species.



物种入侵导致全球环境变化,并导致受威胁和濒危物种的数量减少。每年都有大量政府资金用于入侵物种管理 (ISM) 行动。公众的支持和合规对于这些行动的成功至关重要。我们进行了一项研究,以评估公众对 ISM 行动的支持的决定因素,以确定 ISM 的潜在障碍。我们向佛罗里达州的公众 (n = 1,561) 进行了在线问卷调查,该州受到物种入侵的严重影响。我们向受访者展示了来自 4 个不同分类群(鸟类、啮齿动物、爬行动物、鱼类)的 12 种不同的非本地动物,以测试他们对 ISM 行动的支持是否取决于要管理的动物或他们对风险的看法。我们利用结构方程模型来探索不同变量如何直接和间接影响对管理行动的支持。受访者倾向于反对针对鸟类和魅力物种的管理行动。受访者对政府实施的 ISM 行动的支持与他们对与不同动物和物种入侵相关的风险的认识、他们对物种入侵后果的认识以及他们对采取行动减轻入侵威胁的重要性的认识呈正相关. 努力促进公众对 ISM 行动的支持,应强调与入侵物种相关的不同风险和物种入侵的后果,以抵消对针对魅力物种的 ISM 行动的反对。受访者倾向于反对针对鸟类和魅力物种的管理行动。受访者对政府实施的 ISM 行动的支持与他们对与不同动物和物种入侵相关的风险的认识、他们对物种入侵后果的认识以及他们对采取行动减轻入侵威胁的重要性的认识呈正相关. 努力促进公众对 ISM 行动的支持,应强调与入侵物种相关的不同风险和物种入侵的后果,以抵消对针对魅力物种的 ISM 行动的反对。受访者倾向于反对针对鸟类和魅力物种的管理行动。受访者对政府实施的 ISM 行动的支持与他们对与不同动物和物种入侵相关的风险的认识、他们对物种入侵后果的认识以及他们对采取行动减轻入侵威胁的重要性的认识呈正相关. 努力促进公众对 ISM 行动的支持,应强调与入侵物种相关的不同风险和物种入侵的后果,以抵消对针对魅力物种的 ISM 行动的反对。受访者对政府实施的 ISM 行动的支持与他们对与不同动物和物种入侵相关的风险的认识、他们对物种入侵后果的认识以及他们对采取行动减轻入侵威胁的重要性的认识呈正相关. 努力促进公众对 ISM 行动的支持,应强调与入侵物种相关的不同风险和物种入侵的后果,以抵消对针对魅力物种的 ISM 行动的反对。受访者对政府实施的 ISM 行动的支持与他们对与不同动物和物种入侵相关的风险的认识、他们对物种入侵后果的认识以及他们对采取行动减轻入侵威胁的重要性的认识呈正相关. 努力促进公众对 ISM 行动的支持,应强调与入侵物种相关的不同风险和物种入侵的后果,以抵消对针对魅力物种的 ISM 行动的反对。
