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An Iranian Shāh-nāma Writer at the Court of Bāyezid II: Malekzāda Āhi
Journal of Persianate Studies ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-06 , DOI: 10.1163/18747167-bja10009
Vural Genç 1

Malekzāda Āhi was an Iranian-born Shāh-nāma writer (shāh-nāmaji, Ott. şehnameci) who served at the court of the Ottoman sultan Bāyezid II (r. 1481–1512) and composed the first Ottoman dynastic history to bear the title of “Shāh-nāma.” Accompanying the sultan since his years as a prince, Malekzāda wrote his Shāh-nāma after the tradition of Ferdowsi (d. 1019–20) and Nezāmi (d. 1209), in addition to many odes (qasidas) in praise of his patron. Despite his contemporary reputation as the “master of the verse (malek al-kalam)” in the sultan’s palace, a series of unfortunate accidents led to his relative obscurity in modern historiography. Malekzāda Āhi’s experience as a Shāh-nāma writer is representative of the position held by Iranian artists and scholars in the early sixteenth-century Ottoman palace. His Shāh-nāma also should be regarded as one of the earliest transmissions of the Shāh-nāma style of history-writing to the Ottoman realm. In this article, I attempt to uncover Malekzāda Āhi’s real identity and shed light on his activities in the palace circle, based on archival documents that are studied here for the first time.


巴耶济德二世宫廷的伊朗沙赫纳玛作家:Malekzāda Āhi

MalekzādaAHI是一个伊朗出生的沙圣名作家(沙杰nāmaji,奥特。şehnameci)谁在奥斯曼帝国苏丹叶兹德法院送达II[R。1481年至1512年)和由第一奥斯曼王朝历史上承担的标题“沙纳玛。” 马列克扎达作为王子陪伴苏丹,除了许多颂歌 ( qasida s)外,还根据 Ferdowsi (d. 1019-20) 和 Nezāmi (d. 1209) 的传统写下了他的沙赫纳玛 (Shah -nāma ) 以赞美他的赞助人. 尽管他在当代享有“诗歌大师”的美誉(malek al-kalam)”在苏丹的宫殿里,一系列不幸的事故导致他在现代史学中相对默默无闻。MalekzādaAHI作为一个经验沙阿圣名作家代表早期十六世纪的奥斯曼宫殿由伊朗艺术家和学者所持的立场的。他的沙纳玛也应该被视为沙纳玛风格的历史书写方式最早传入奥斯曼帝国的传授之一。在这篇文章中,我试图根据第一次在这里研究的档案文件揭示 Malekzāda Āhi 的真实身份并阐明他在宫廷圈子中的活动。
