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Climate-based ensemble modelling to evaluate the global distribution of Anoplophora glabripennis (Motschulsky)
Agricultural and Forest Entomology ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-11 , DOI: 10.1111/afe.12462
Dae‐hyeon Byeon 1 , Se‐Hyun Kim 1, 2 , Jae‐Min Jung 1 , Sunghoon Jung 2, 3 , Kwang‐Ho Kim 4 , Wang‐Hee Lee 1, 2

  1. Anoplophora glabripennis (Motschulsky) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) is a forest pest that damages a wide range of trees in areas where it has recently been introduced, demanding a proactive evaluation of its possible future distribution.
  2. This study aimed to project the potential distribution of A. glabripennis using species distribution modelling and constructed an ensemble map for evaluating global risk areas.
  3. We used CLIMEX and MaxEnt to evaluate the potential distribution of A. glabripennis as a function of current and future climates.
  4. The results showed that the models predicted a high probability of A. glabripennis distribution where this species is currently found, and the suitable climate was shifted northward due to climate change.
  5. The projected area differed between the models because of different modelling algorithm and climate change scenario; thus, an ensemble map projecting the consensus areas from two models was constructed to identify the risk areas that corresponded to the eastern United States, Europe, and native countries, Korea and China, and nearby Japan.
  6. From the perspective of ensemble modelling for evaluating species distributions with reduced uncertainties, this study will enhance the model reliability for defining areas at risk of A. glabripennis occurrence.