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Super-factory of bottomed hadrons Belle II
Physics-Uspekhi ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-26 , DOI: 10.3367/ufne.2020.10.038847
Valentina I. Zhukova 1 , Alexey V. Nefediev 1 , Pavel N. Pakhlov 1 , S.I. Eidel'man 1, 2, 3

In 2018, the Belle II experiment, aimed at detailed studies of B-mesons, started operation at the Super-KEKB electron–positron collider at KEK (Japan). This was preceded by the long and quite successful work of the B-factories of previous generations, including the Belle experiment, to which Belle II is a successor. This experiment is unique, having no counterparts or competitors in the world. The spectrum of problems it is aimed at is quite broad: from studies of hadronic states containing heavy quarks to precision measurements and the search for New Physics beyond the Standard Model. This review describes specific features of the Belle II experiment, its ambitious goals and specific tasks, expected results of its work, and hopes related to its successful implementation.


有底强子Belle II的超级工厂

2018 年,旨在详细研究 B 介子的 Belle II 实验开始在 KEK(日本)的 Super-KEKB 正负电子对撞机上运行。在此之前,前几代 B 工厂的长期且相当成功的工作,包括 Belle 实验,Belle II 是其后继者。这个实验是独一无二的,在世界上没有同行或竞争对手。它所针对的问题范围非常广泛:从对包含重夸克的强子态的研究到精密测量以及对标准模型之外的新物理学的探索。这篇综述描述了 Belle II 实验的具体特征、其雄心勃勃的目标和具体任务、其工作的预期结果以及对其成功实施的希望。
