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Sweetness is in the ear of the beholder: chord preference across United Kingdom and Pakistani listeners
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-08 , DOI: 10.1111/nyas.14655
Imre Lahdelma 1 , George Athanasopoulos 1 , Tuomas Eerola 1

The majority of research in the field of music perception has been conducted with Western participants, and it has remained unclear which aspects of music perception are culture dependent, and which are universal. The current study compared how participants unfamiliar with Western music (people from the Khowar and Kalash tribes native to Northwest Pakistan with minimal exposure to Western music) perceive affect (positive versus negative) in musical chords compared with United Kingdom (UK) listeners, as well as the overall preference for these chords. The stimuli consisted of four distinct chord types (major, minor, augmented, and chromatic) and were played as both vertical blocks (pitches presented concurrently) and arpeggios (pitches presented successively). The results suggest that the Western listener major-positive minor-negative affective distinction is opposite for Northwest Pakistani listeners, arguably because of the reversed prevalence of these chords in the two music cultures. The aversion to the harsh dissonance of the chromatic cluster is present cross-culturally, but the preference for the consonance of the major triad varies between UK and Northwest Pakistani listeners, depending on cultural familiarity. Our findings imply not only notable cultural variation but also commonalities in chord perception across Western and non-Western listeners.



音乐感知领域的大部分研究都是与西方参与者一起进行的,尚不清楚音乐感知的哪些方面依赖于文化,哪些方面具有普遍性。目前的研究比较了不熟悉西方音乐的参与者(来自巴基斯坦西北部的 Khowar 和 Kalash 部落,对西方音乐的接触很少)与英国(英国)听众相比如何感知音乐和弦的影响(积极与消极),以及作为这些和弦的整体偏好。刺激由四种不同的和弦类型(大调、小调、增强和半音)组成,并以垂直块(同时呈现的音高)和琶音(连续呈现的音高)的形式演奏。结果表明,巴基斯坦西北部听众的西方听众主要-积极次要-消极情感区别是相反的,可以说是因为这些和弦在两种音乐文化中的流行程度相反。对半音组的刺耳不谐和的厌恶是跨文化的,但英国和巴基斯坦西北部听众对大三和弦的谐和的偏好因文化熟悉程度而异。我们的发现不仅意味着显着的文化差异,而且还意味着西方和非西方听众在和弦感知方面的共性。但是,根据文化熟悉程度,英国和巴基斯坦西北部听众对大三和弦的辅音的偏好会有所不同。我们的发现不仅意味着显着的文化差异,而且还意味着西方和非西方听众在和弦感知方面的共性。但是,根据文化熟悉程度,英国和巴基斯坦西北部听众对大三和弦的辅音的偏好会有所不同。我们的发现不仅意味着显着的文化差异,而且还意味着西方和非西方听众在和弦感知方面的共性。