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Association between neutrophil–lymphocyte ratio on arterial stiffness in type-2 diabetes mellitus patients: a part of DiORS Study
International Journal of Diabetes in Developing Countries ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-09 , DOI: 10.1007/s13410-021-00965-1
Deasy Ardiany 1 , Agung Pranoto 1 , Soebagijo Adi Soelistijo 1 , Libriansyah 2 , Sauli Ari Widjaja 3


Type-2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) enhances the risk of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases, which are the primary cause of death among T2DM patients. Neutrophil–lymphocyte ratio (NLR) is a widely available, easy-to-use, and reproducible inflammatory marker. Brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity (baPWV) serves as the indicator for early atherosclerosis changes. The exact mechanism of association between the high NLR and diabetes complications is still unclear, and the most significant mechanism may be related to inflammation. Since an inflammatory marker in clinical practice is limited, a simple, easy-to-use, and widely available marker is needed. The aim was to analyze the association between NLR and arterial stiffness in T2DM patients.


This study is part of the Diabetic Ocular Renal Surabaya Study (DiORS Study). Participants were measured for their NLR count by dividing absolute neutrophil count with absolute lymphocyte count in peripheral blood and measuring of arterial stiffness with baPWV. The statistical analysis in use included independent t-test, Mann–Whitney test, Pearson correlation test, or Spearman correlation test. The results of the statistical analysis were significant if p < 0.05.


The participants’ mean age was 54.33 ± 11.34 years, with the duration of diabetes for 7.34 ± 6.80 years. The mean of BMI was 25.47 ± 4.10 kg/m2, most patients were overweight and obese. The mean of HbA1c was 8.14 ± 1.59% and only 24% participants with good glycemic control. The mean of NLR was 2.69 ± 1.23, with a range of 0.95–6.24, while 84.7% of participants with a high count of NLR (NLR > 1.65). The mean of baPWV was 15.19 ± 2.72 m/s with a range of 10.20–23.30 m/s, and 75.0% of them saw an increased arterial stiffness (baPWV > 13.5 m/s). Association analysis between NLR count and arterial stiffness shows significant results (r = 0.235; p < 0.047).


There is a significant association between NLR with arterial stiffness and the higher NLR count, the more stiffening of the arteries experienced by the participants.


中性粒细胞-淋巴细胞比率与 2 型糖尿病患者动脉僵硬度的关系:DiORS 研究的一部分


2 型糖尿病 (T2DM) 会增加动脉粥样硬化和心血管疾病的风险,这是 T2DM 患者死亡的主要原因。中性粒细胞-淋巴细胞比值 (NLR) 是一种广泛可用、易于使用且可重复的炎症标志物。臂踝脉搏波速度 (baPWV) 可作为早期动脉粥样硬化变化的指标。高 NLR 与糖尿病并发症之间关联的确切机制尚不清楚,最重要的机制可能与炎症有关。由于临床实践中炎症标志物有限,因此需要一种简单、易于使用且广泛可用的标志物。目的是分析 NLR 与 T2DM 患者动脉僵硬度之间的关联。


该研究是泗水糖尿病眼肾研究(DiORS 研究)的一部分。通过将绝对中性粒细胞计数除以外周血中的绝对淋巴细胞计数并用 baPWV 测量动脉硬度,测量参与者的 NLR 计数。使用的统计分析包括独立 t 检验、Mann-Whitney 检验、Pearson 相关检验或 Spearman 相关检验。如果p  < 0.05 ,则统计分析的结果是显着的。


参与者的平均年龄为 54.33 ± 11.34 岁,糖尿病病程为 7.34 ± 6.80 年。BMI的平均值为25.47 ± 4.10 kg/m 2,大多数患者超重和肥胖。HbA1c 的平均值为 8.14 ± 1.59%,只有 24% 的参与者血糖控制良好。NLR 的平均值为 2.69 ± 1.23,范围为 0.95-6.24,而 84.7% 的参与者具有高 NLR 计数(NLR > 1.65)。baPWV 的平均值为 15.19 ± 2.72 m/s,范围为 10.20–23.30 m/s,其中 75.0% 的患者动脉僵硬度增加(baPWV > 13.5 m/s)。NLR 计数与动脉僵硬度之间的关联分析显示出显着的结果(r = 0.235;p  < 0.047)。


NLR 与动脉僵硬之间存在显着关联,NLR 计数越高,参与者所经历的动脉僵硬程度越高。
