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Beescape: Characterizing user needs for environmental decision support in beekeeping
Ecological Informatics ( IF 5.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-09 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoinf.2021.101366
Anthony C. Robinson 1 , Jamie L. Peeler 1 , Tim Prestby 1 , Sarah C. Goslee 2 , Kate Anton 3 , Christina M. Grozinger 3

Pollinators, particularly managed honey bees, are crucial for global food systems. However, declines in populations of both wild and managed pollinators have been reported across the world. In the United States, approximately 30% of managed honey bee colonies die each year. The factors underlying these losses are well understood and include reductions in the abundance and diversity of flowering plants that pollinators depend on for food, increased insecticide use, and reduced nesting habitat for wild bees. However, translating pollinator research findings into actionable knowledge for beekeepers presents a sizable spatial decision support challenge. In this work we evaluate the utility and usability of a prototype system called Beescape which intends to support environmental decision-making for beekeepers and other stakeholders. Beescape includes tools for exploring and visualizing maps that link to modeled environmental factors that impact managed bees, including honey bees, and wild bee health. Thirty beekeepers were recruited to take part in an online user study that included task analysis and survey components to elicit user input on areas of improvement for future Beescape development. The results of our evaluation of usability and utility metrics for Beescape highlighted the need for spatially-specific foraging information, better descriptions of modeled habitat quality measures, and actionable guidance to help them manage their hives. The results of our study highlight the challenges and opportunities associated with providing decision support systems that attempt to translate emerging environmental science for audiences that may be motivated by a common goal to improve honey bee survival, but who have a diverse range of technical backgrounds, applied practices, and reasons for their interest.



授粉媒介,尤其是受管理的蜜蜂,对全球粮食系统至关重要。然而,世界各地都报告了野生和管理授粉媒介的种群数量下降。在美国,每年约有 30% 的受管理蜜蜂群死亡。造成这些损失的因素是众所周知的,包括传粉媒介赖以为食的开花植物的丰度和多样性减少、杀虫剂的使用增加以及野生蜜蜂的筑巢栖息地减少。然而,将传粉媒介研究结果转化为养蜂人可操作的知识提出了相当大的空间决策支持挑战。在这项工作中,我们评估了一个名为Beescape的原型系统的实用性和可用性旨在支持养蜂人和其他利益相关者的环境决策。Beescape 包括用于探索和可视化地图的工具,这些地图链接到影响受管理蜜蜂(包括蜜蜂)和野生蜜蜂健康的模型环境因素。招募了 30 名养蜂人参加在线用户研究,其中包括任务分析和调查组件,以征求用户对未来 Beescape 开发改进领域的意见。我们对 Beescape 的可用性和效用指标的评估结果强调了需要特定空间的觅食信息、更好地描述建模的栖息地质量措施以及可操作的指导来帮助他们管理蜂巢。
