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Animal Science Journal ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-08 , DOI: 10.1111/asj.13588

The authors would like to draw the reader's attention to the errors in the following article:

Tajima, S., Motoyama, S., Wakiya, Y., Uchikura, K., Misawa, H., Takishita, R., Hirayama, Y., & Kikuchi, K. (2020). Piglet production by non-surgical transfer of vitrified embryos, transported to commercial swine farms and warmed on site. Animal Science Journal 2020, 91, e13476. https://doi.org/10.1111/asj.13476

In “2.7.1 | Experiment 1: Ns-ET of V/W embryos to asynchronized recipients” Page 3 of 8.

The authors would like to correct following descriptions because of mistake in description and also oversight during final proof checking.

On Line 3 in this paragraph: to “Seven estrous cycling” from “Nine estrous cycling”.

On Line 8 in this paragraph: to “14–19 vitrified” from “14–18 vitrified”.

On Line 10 in this paragraph: to “192 embryos” from “225 embryos”.

On Line 12 in this paragraph: to “on Day 5 (n = 4)” from “on Day 5 (n = 5)”.

On Line 13 in this paragraph: to “6 (n = 8)” from “6 (n = 9)”.

This experiment was carried out in an experimental facility without transportation of the embryos.

Seven estrous-cycling D, L, and LW gilts 9–10 months old and 5 D, L, and LW sows of the first to second parity were used as recipients for Ns-ET of V/W embryos warmed and diluted in conventional method, and the effects of asynchrony between the donor and recipient estrous cycles on pregnancy, farrowing, and the survival rates of embryos to term were evaluated. In this experiment, 14–19 vitrified embryos from a few donors were warmed for one trial. A total of 192 embryos were used for this experiment. The estrous cycle of the recipients was controlled by hormone treatment as described above. Ns-ET to asynchronous recipients was conducted on Day 5 (n = 4) or 6 (n = 8) after hCG administration (i.e., when the estrous cycles of the recipients were asynchronous with a 2- or 1-day delay, respectively, relative to those of the donor: designated as the 2- and 1-day groups, respectively).

These data appeared in Table 1; however, the authors confirmed that the data of Table 1 are correct, and no correction is necessary.

In “2.7.3 | Experiment 3: Ns-ET of V/W embryos after vitrification, transportation to commercial swine farms, and warming by one step method on site” on Page 4 of 8.

The authors would like to correct following description because of oversight during final proof checking.

On Line 7 in this paragraph: to “20–70” from “20–0”.

This experiment was conducted to assess the production of piglets by Ns-ET under field conditions at commercial swine farms using vitrified, transported, and warmed (V/T/W) porcine embryos. The embryos derived from D, W, and L donors were vitrified at Aichi Agricultural Research Center or Saga Prefectural Livestock Experiment Station and transported to four commercial swine farms located 20–70 km apart from each experimental facility in Aichi or Saga Prefecture using a LN2 container (SC4/2 V; Chart biomedical Co., Ball Ground, GA, USA) on the day of Ns-ET. A total of 16 LW sows of the first to sixth parity were used as recipients. Ns-ET was conducted at 6 days after injection of hCG in a small pen or farrowing crate kept under acceptable hygienic conditions. Warming and dilution of vitrified embryos were conducted in a one-step method, and a total of 11–20 vitrified embryos from each donor in one or two devices were warmed for one trial. The period of time from insertion to removal of the catheter was recorded. A total of 251 embryos were used for this experiment.

In “4 |DISCUSSION” on Page 6 of 8.

The authors would like to correct following descriptions because of mistake in description and also oversight during final proof checking.

On Line 1 in this page, to “(Table 1)” from “(Table 2)”.

and a survival rate to term of 21.1% (27/128) (Table 1). These results indicate that for V/W embryos prepared by the MVAC method, recipients whose estrous cycle is delayed by 1 day are adequate for …

The authors apologize for these errors and confirmed no change of scientific conclusions of this article.




Tajima, S.、Motoyama, S.、Wakiya, Y.、Uchikura, K.、Misawa, H.、Takishita, R.、Hirayama, Y. 和 Kikuchi, K. (2020)。通过非手术移植玻璃化胚胎生产小猪,运送到商业养猪场并在现场加热。动物科学杂志 2020,91,e13476 https://doi.org/10.1111/asj.13476

在“2.7.1 | 实验 1:V/W 胚胎的 Ns-ET 到异步接受者”第 3 页,共 8 页。


本段第 3 行:从“九发情循环”到“七发情循环”。

本段第 8 行:从“14-18 玻璃化”到“14-19 玻璃化”。

本段第 10 行:从“225 个胚胎”到“192 个胚胎”。

本段第 12 行:从“第 5 天(n  = 5)”改为“第 5 天(n  = 4)”。

本段第 13 行:从“6 ( n  = 9)”到“6 ( n  = 8)”。


7 头 9-10 月龄的发情周期 D、L 和 LW 后备母猪和第一胎至第二胎的 5 头 D、L 和 LW 母猪用作 Ns-ET 的受体,通过常规方法加热和稀释的 V/W 胚胎,并评估了供体和受体动情周期不同步对妊娠、分娩和胚胎足月存活率的影响。在这个实验中,来自几个捐赠者的 14-19 个玻璃化胚胎被加热用于一次试验。本实验共使用了 192 个胚胎。接受者的动情周期由如上所述的激素治疗控制。Ns-ET 异步接收者在第 5 天(n  = 4)或第 6 天(n = 8) hCG 管理后(即,当接受者的动情周期与捐赠者的动情周期分别延迟 2 天或 1 天时:分别指定为 2 天和 1 天组) .

这些数据出现在表 1 中;但是,作者确认表 1 的数据是正确的,无需更正。

在“2.7.3 | 实验 3:玻璃化后 V/W 胚胎的 Ns-ET,运输到商业养猪场,并通过现场一步法升温”,第 4 页,共 8 页。


本段第 7 行:从“20-0”到“20-70”。

进行该实验以评估 Ns-ET 在商业养猪场的田间条件下使用玻璃化、运输和加热 (V/T/W) 猪胚胎生产仔猪。来自 D、W 和 L 供体的胚胎在爱知县农业研究中心或佐贺县畜牧实验站进行玻璃化,并使用液氮容器运送到距离爱知县或佐贺县每个实验设施 20-70 公里的四个商业养猪场(SC4/2 V; Chart biomedical Co., Ball Ground, GA, USA) Ns-ET 当天。总共 16 头第一胎到第六胎的 LW 母猪被用作接受者。Ns-ET 在注射 hCG 后 6 天在保持在可接受的卫生条件下的小围栏或分娩箱中进行。玻璃化胚胎的加热和稀释采用一步法进行,一个或两个设备中的每个捐赠者的总共 11-20 个玻璃化胚胎被加热用于一次试验。记录从插入导管到移除导管的时间段。本实验共使用了 251 个胚胎。

在第 6 页(共 8 页)的“4 |讨论”中。


在本页的第 1 行,从“(表 2)”到“(表 1)”。

足月生存率为 21.1% (27/128)(表 1)。这些结果表明,对于通过 MVAC 方法制备的 V/W 胚胎,发情周期延迟 1 天的受体足以……

