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Effects of combined chemotherapeutic drugs on the growth and survival of cancerous tumours– an in-silico study
Journal of Computational Science ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-09 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jocs.2021.101421
Prerna Kaura 1 , Tanya Mishra 1 , Nishith Verma 1 , Indranil Saha Dalal 1 , Vivek Sheraton 2

Efficacy of chemotherapeutic treatment continues to vary drastically from patient to patient because of the complex development and progression of cancer. The standard treatment procedures involve identification of the types and stages of cancer, followed by a plethora of therapies, however, with little or no room for personalizing the treatment. The objective of the current study is to develop a biologically consistent mathematical model of an avascular tumor, considering the mass transfer, pharmacological and pharmacodynamic characteristics of chemotherapy drugs and nutrients. The model simulation results are used to study progression of the tumor growth, while monitoring efficacy of the chemotherapeutic drugs, namely, cisplatin and paclitaxel. The simulations are performed using CompuCell3D, a Glazier-Graner-Hogeweg (GGH) model-based software integrated with partial differential solver, FiPy. Specifically, the developed model in this study considers the individual and combinatorial administration of the drugs. The model simulation results, with GGH as the underlying principle, allow studying the dynamics of the tumor at an individual cell-scale, while monitoring the cell-cycle phase, nutrient and drug uptakes, and cell repair. The simulation results reveal that paclitaxel is more potent than cisplatin when both drugs are administered combinatorically.



由于癌症的复杂发展和进展,化疗治疗的疗效因患者而异。标准的治疗程序包括识别癌症的类型和阶段,然后进行大量的治疗,然而,几乎没有或没有个性化治疗的空间。当前研究的目的是开发一个生物学上一致的无血管肿瘤数学模型,考虑到化疗药物和营养物质的传质、药理学和药效学特征。模型模拟结果用于研究肿瘤生长的进展,同时监测化疗药物,即顺铂和紫杉醇的疗效。使用 CompuCell3D 进行模拟,与偏微分求解器 FiPy 集成的基于 Glazier-Graner-Hogeweg (GGH) 模型的软件。具体而言,本研究中开发的模型考虑了药物的单独给药和组合给药。以 GGH 为基本原理的模型模拟结果允许在单个细胞尺度上研究肿瘤的动力学,同时监测细胞周期阶段、营养和药物吸收以及细胞修复。模拟结果表明,当两种药物联合给药时,紫杉醇比顺铂更有效。允许在单个细胞尺度上研究肿瘤的动态,同时监测细胞周期阶段、营养和药物摄取以及细胞修复。模拟结果表明,当两种药物联合给药时,紫杉醇比顺铂更有效。允许在单个细胞尺度上研究肿瘤的动态,同时监测细胞周期阶段、营养和药物摄取以及细胞修复。模拟结果表明,当两种药物联合给药时,紫杉醇比顺铂更有效。
