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Duplicity behind Stained Glass: Childlike “Self-knowledge” and the Role of Community
Theology Today ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-09 , DOI: 10.1177/00405736211004866
Robyn Wrigley-Carr 1

The recent revelation of Jean Vanier (1928–2019) and historical cases of sexual manipulation and abuse of six women workers at L’Arche (Trosly-Breuil, France, 1970–2005) is a reminder of our human fragility. This article explores the question of how we, as people working in religion, can seek greater integration so as to avoid, as far as possible, the self-deception and duplicity that can lead to profound harm of others. Through engaging with two theologians—Teresa of Avila (1515–1582) and George MacDonald (1824–1905)—we gain insights concerning discernment of our blind spots, plus wisdom regarding ways to safeguard ourselves from duplicity. Teresa reminds us of the need to continually develop authentic “self-knowledge,” and the importance of a courageous, discerning community—both a perceptive spiritual director and honest peers who are willing to challenge leaders and speak up. MacDonald highlights the need for spiritual discernment and a “childlike” posture (rather than self-elevation to a revered “guru” status), to help us live more integrated, genuine lives. Both dialogue partners are explicitly Christocentric and emphasize the ongoing work of the Spirit, opening our eyes and ears to the reality of who we truly are, and the importance of imitating and being “in Christ,” in order to be freed from self-obsession, duplicity, and self-deception.



Jean Vanier(1928-2019)和 L'Arche(法国,Trosly-Breuil,1970-2005)六名女工被性操纵和虐待的历史案例提醒我们人类的脆弱性。本文探讨了我们作为从事宗教工作的人,如何寻求更大程度的融合,从而尽可能避免可能导致他人深刻伤害的自欺欺人和口是心非。通过与两位神学家——阿维拉的特蕾莎 (Teresa of Avila) (1515-1582) 和乔治·麦克唐纳 (George MacDonald) (1824-1905) 的交流,我们获得了洞察盲点的洞察力,以及保护自己免受两面派的智慧。Teresa 提醒我们需要不断发展真实的“自我知识”,以及勇敢、挑剔的社区——既有敏锐的精神导师,也有愿意挑战领导者并畅所欲言的诚实同行。麦克唐纳强调需要精神上的洞察力和“孩子气”的姿势(而不是自我提升到受人尊敬的“大师”地位),以帮助我们过上更完整、更真实的生活。对话双方都明确地以基督为中心,并强调圣灵正在进行的工作,让我们睁开眼睛和耳朵,了解我们真正是谁,以及模仿和“在基督里”的重要性,以便摆脱自我迷恋、口是心非和自欺欺人。
