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“Re-membering the Body”
Theology Today ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-09 , DOI: 10.1177/00405736211017465
Gordon S. Mikoski 1

Most of the world has now learned how to live in digital Platonism. Relationships with family and friends, work, education, business, religion, and many other things have been mediated through screens for well over a year. I honestly do not know how we would have been able to keep things going as well as we did—though admittedly with incalculable anxiety, heartbreak, and loss—without the internet and tools like Zoom. Thinking about the influenza pandemic of 1918, I can hardly fathom how the world did not completely fall apart without the gift of the internet, computers, and social media platforms. At the same time - and I am definitely not a Luddite - I have some issues with screen fatigue and disembodied digital presences.



世界上大多数人现在已经学会了如何生活在数字柏拉图主义中。一年多来,与家人和朋友的关系、工作、教育、商业、宗教和许多其他事情都通过屏幕进行调解。老实说,如果没有互联网和 Zoom 之类的工具,我真的不知道我们如何能够像以前一样让事情顺利进行——尽管不可否认的是,我们有无法估量的焦虑、心碎和失落感。想想 1918 年的流感大流行,我几乎无法理解如果没有互联网、计算机和社交媒体平台的馈赠,世界是如何完全崩溃的。与此同时——我绝对不是卢德派——我有一些屏幕疲劳和无实体数字存在的问题。