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Effect of gravitational field self-interaction on large structure formation
Physics Letters B ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-09 , DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2021.136510
Alexandre Deur 1

We check whether General Relativity's field self-interaction alleviates the need for dark matter to explain the universe's large structure formation. We found that self-interaction accelerates sufficiently the growth of structures so that they can reach their presently observed density. No free parameters, dark components or modifications of the known laws of nature were required. This result adds to the other natural explanations provided by the same approach to the, inter alia, flat rotation curves of galaxies, supernovae observations suggestive of dark energy, and dynamics of galaxy clusters, thereby reinforcing its credibility as an alternative to the dark universe model.



我们检查广义相对论的场自相互作用是否减轻了对暗物质解释宇宙大结构形成的需要。我们发现自相互作用充分加速了结构的生长,使它们能够达到目前观察到的密度。不需要自由参数、暗成分或已知自然定律的修改。这一结果增加了由相同方法提供的其他自然解释,尤其是星系的平坦旋转曲线、暗示暗能量的超新星观测和星系团动力学,从而加强了其作为暗宇宙模型替代方案的可信度。 .
