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Exploring (a) Prophecy, reading (with) différance. An experiment in negotiating difference and sameness through poetry
Journal of Poetry Therapy ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-08 , DOI: 10.1080/08893675.2021.1951906
Andrea Bramberger 1


The article is a reading of an educational initiative from the late 1960s through the lens of Jacques Derrida’s différance. Students of a school in Germany performed Peter Handke’s poem Weissagung (Prophecy) on the school’s anniversary, initiating an ongoing process of decoding and recoding the word (“prophecy”) and the(ir) social (world), as well as tracing alternatives to the hegemony of (de)coding itself. The reading reveals the school to be a public arena where difference and sameness are negotiated through democratic iterations, demonstrating the situatedness of knowledge production, and the teacher’s and students’ engagement with critical thinking, self-reflexivity, and the transgression of binaries – accentuating the involvement of all (readers) in the orchestration of these processes. With this reading of Prophecy and différance, the negotiations of difference and sameness in a school as historically topical efforts are focused on the word.


探索 (a) 预言,阅读 (with) différance。通过诗歌来协商异同的实验


这篇文章是从雅克·德里达的différance的角度解读 1960 年代后期的一项教育倡议。德国一所学校的学生表演了彼得汉德克的诗《魏萨贡》预言)在学校的周年纪念日,启动了对单词(“预言”)和(ir)社会(世界)进行解码和重新编码的持续过程,以及追踪(解码)自身霸权的替代方案。阅读揭示了学校是一个公共场所,通过民主迭代来协商差异和相同,展示知识生产的位置性,以及教师和学生对批判性思维、自我反思和二进制越界的参与——强调了所有(读者)参与这些过程的编排。通过对预言差异的阅读,学校中作为历史主题努力的差异和相同的谈判集中在这个词上。
