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New intermetallics R1+xZr1−xNi (R = Er–Tm, x ~ 0.5) with the TiNiSi type of structure
Intermetallics ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-09 , DOI: 10.1016/j.intermet.2021.107279
Volodymyr Babizhetskyy 1 , Jürgen Köhler 2 , Oksana Myakush 3 , Volodymyr Smetana 4 , Volodymyr Levytskyi 5 , Anja-Verena Mudring 4

A new series of isostructural rare earth compounds R1+xZr1−xNi (R = Er, Tm, Lu; x ~ 0.5) was synthesized from the elements by arc melting and subsequent annealing at 870 K for 1400 h. The crystal structures of the intermetallic compounds were investigated by means of single-crystal X-ray diffraction. They all crystallize in the TiNiSi structure type (space group Pnma, No. 62, oP12). In R1+xZr1−xNi, the R/Zr statistical mixture leading to nonequiatomic compositions occupies the position corresponding to the nickel site of the TiNiSi structure type. The calculated shortest interatomic distances are close to the sums of the single-bond covalent radii of respective elements. Electronic structure calculations performed with the tight-binding LMTO method revealed the non-zero density of states at the Fermi level and suggest metallic character. R1+xZr1−xNi (R = Er, Tm, Lu; x ~ 0.5) undergoes no long-range magnetic ordering down to 2 K.


具有 TiNiSi 类型结构的新型金属间化合物 R 1+x Zr 1−x Ni (R = Er–Tm, x ~ 0.5)

 通过电弧熔化和随后在 870 K 下退火 1400 小时,从这些元素合成了一系列新的同构稀土化合物R 1+ x Zr 1− x Ni ( R  = Er, Tm, Lu; x ~ 0.5)。通过单晶X射线衍射研究了金属间化合物的晶体结构。它们都以 TiNiSi 结构类型(空间群Pnma,No. 62,oP 12)结晶。在R 1+x Zr 1− x Ni 中,R导致非等原子组成的 /Zr 统计混合物占据对应于 TiNiSi 结构类型的镍位点的位置。计算出的最短原子间距离接近各个元素的单键共价半径之和。使用紧束缚 LMTO 方法进行的电子结构计算揭示了费米能级的非零态密度并暗示了金属特性。R 1+ x Zr 1− x Ni ( R  = Er, Tm, Lu; x  ~ 0.5) 不经历低至 2 K 的长程磁序。
