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An improved approximation algorithm for the minimum common integer partition problem
Information and Computation ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ic.2021.104784
Guohui Lin 1 , Weitian Tong 2

Given a collection of multisets {X1,X2,,Xk} (k2) of positive integers, a multiset S is a common integer partition for them if S is an integer partition of every multiset Xi,1ik. The minimum common integer partition (k-MCIP) problem is defined as to find a CIP for {X1,X2,,Xk} with the minimum cardinality. We present a 65-approximation algorithm for the 2-MCIP problem, improving the previous best algorithm of performance ratio 54 designed by Chen et al. in 2006. We then extend it to obtain an absolute 0.6k-approximation algorithm for k-MCIP when k is even (when k is odd, the approximation ratio is 0.6k+0.4).



给定一个多集集合 {X1,X2,,X} (2正整数),一个多重小号是一个常见的整数分区为他们,如果小号是每个多集的整数分区X一世,1一世. 的最低限度的共同整数分区ķ -MCIP)的问题被定义为找到一个CIP为{X1,X2,,X}具有最小基数。我们提出一个65- 2-MCIP问题的近似算法,提高了之前性能比最好的算法 54由 Chen 等人设计。于2006年,然后扩展它来获得绝对0.6 ķ近似算法为ķ -MCIP当ķ为偶数(当ķ为奇数,则近似比为0.6+0.4)。
