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Voices from the rooms and programs: recovery capital speaks
Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-08 , DOI: 10.1080/1533256x.2021.1946332
William C. Gilbert 1


People recovering from substance use disorders have a variety of options from which to choose to help them achieve their goal of sobriety. Often, they seek the assistance of peer- run 12-step programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). Others may seek professional help through residential or outpatient treatment programs, while some use both types of interventions. Both intervention options offer people in recovery viable assistance. With this in mind, the goal of this study was to further understand the factors influencing recovery (see, for further details1). Those factors, conceptualized as ‘recovery capital,’ have a consistent and positive impact on recovery. This study conceptualized recovery capital to include Alcoholic Anonymous, spirituality, social support, and physical capital. The author reviewed these factors through a historical and empirical discussion of Alcoholics Anonymous and treatment effectiveness.




从物质使用障碍中康复的人有多种选择来帮助他们实现清醒的目标。通常,他们会寻求同行运行的 12 步计划的帮助,例如匿名戒酒会 (AA)。其他人可能会通过住院或门诊治疗计划寻求专业帮助,而有些人则使用这两种干预措施。这两种干预方案都为人们提供了康复可行的帮助。考虑到这一点,本研究的目的是进一步了解影响恢复的因素(更多详细信息,请参见1)。这些被概念化为“恢复资本”的因素对恢复具有一致和积极的影响。本研究将恢复资本概念化为包括匿名戒酒者、灵性、社会支持和物质资本。作者通过对匿名戒酒者和治疗效果的历史和实证讨论回顾了这些因素。
